Tulus Bunga Tidur english translation

Tulus Bunga Tidur song lyrics
Tulus Bunga Tidur translation
Bekas gincu disudut bibir kiri
The mark of lipstick on the corner of my left lips
didepan cermin sabtu pagi
In front of the mirror on a Saturday morning
aku tak tau ini punya siapa
I don't know whose is this

Cukup jauh dari mabuk rasanya
Far enough from crazy
dan ku tak bermimpi, entahlah
and I wasn't dreaming, I don't even know
ini pertanda apa
what kind of sign this is?

Sering malu karena sujud
Usually shy in prostration
Hanya bila tertekan
Only when I'm pressured
duhai pria yang mengaku-ngaku dewasa
Oh the man that claimed himself a grown man

Konon kebal membeku
Supposedly immune from getting freezed
didirikanpun tak mampu
Can't even stand
ini dia si jago pemalu
Here it is the shy

Bila kau pikir aku sekuat itu
If you think i'm that strong
24/7 aku bahagia
24/7 (24 hours a week) I'm happy
Kau salah kawan.
You're wrong, buddy
ku dilindungi dendangan.
I'm protected by a song
ini musikku
This is my music
dia pagar jarak pandangmu
it's the fence of your sight

Mustahil tak bercelah
Immposibe to unbreakable
didepan cermin sabtu pagi
In front of the mirror on a Saturday morning
aku bicara dengan pantun laguku
I talk with my poem song

Bunga tidur bisa membawamu terkubur
Dream flower can grave you
jauh dari sekedar akar
Far from just root
hantui pikiran
Whispering your mind

Kadang ku jatuh cinta
Sometimes I fall in love
Kkadang naik si pitam
Sometimes I get mad
Kadang gelap malam
Sometimes dark of night
Kadang semua tuli
Sometis all deaf

Kau salah kawan.
You're wrong, buddy
ku dilindungi dendangan
I'm protected by a song
ini musikku
This is my music
dia pagar jarak pandangmu.
it's the fence of your sight
Kau salah kawan.
You're wrong, buddy
ku dilindungi dendangan
I'm protected by a song
ini musikku
This is my music
dia pagar jarak pandangmu.
it's the fence of your sight
Selama ku lihat engkau senang
As long I see you happy
yang lainnya ku simpan sendiri ...
I'll keep the other things alone.