Traviezoz de la Zierra Así Se la Pasa english translation

Traviezoz de la Zierra Así Se la Pasa song lyrics
Traviezoz de la Zierra Así Se la Pasa translation
Se la pasa dedicandome canciones
she spends her time dedicating me songs
Yo nose cuales seran sus intenciones
I don't know what her intentions could be.
Es la niña mas bonita de mi barrio
She's the prettiest girl from my neighborhood
Y si hablamos de piropos pues tambien han sido varios
and if we talk about compliments, well there's been a lot also.
Se la pasa dibulgando que me quiere
she spends her time publicizing that she lives me
Y celandome de todas las mujeres
and jealous of all the woman
Si se acercan de volada las espanta
if they come near me she right away scares them
Esa niña esta demente y eso es lo que mas me encanta
This girls demented and that's what I love most about her.
Esa niña se a dueño de mis caricias
this girl has been the owner of my caresses
Y a coloreado mi mundo con tan solo una sonrisa
and has colored my world only with a smile
Es la misma que me llama por las noches
she's the same one that calls me in the nights
La que si le mandan flores de seguro me platica
the one that if you send her flowers I'm sure she would tell me
Es la misma que se enamoro de un pobre
she's the same one that fell in love with a poor man
Y todo mundo la critiqua
and the whole world criticizes her.
Es la misma que un dia aparecio en mi cuento
the same one that one day appeared in my story
Y no ocupo hacerme cosquillas para ponerme contento
and she doesn't need to tickle me to make me happy
La que aguanta toda mis cursilerias
the one who endures my corneyness
La que me lleva ala cima cadavez que me da un beso
the one who takes me up Everytime she gives me a kiss
Es la misma que me dice todavia por favor no seas traviezo
she's the same one who tells me still.... please don't be mischievous.

Se la pasa dibulgando que me quiere
she spends her time publicizing that she lives me
Y celandome de todas las mujeres
and jealous of all the woman
Si se acercan de volada las espanta
if they come near me she right away scares them
Esa niña esta demente y eso es lo que mas me encanta
This girls demented and that's what I love most about her.
Esa niña se a dueño de mis caricias
this girl has been the owner of my caresses
Y a coloreado mi mundo con tan solo una sonrisa
and has colored my world only with a smile
Es la misma que me llama por las noches
she's the same one that calls me in the nights
La que si le mandan flores de seguro me platica
the one that if you send her flowers I'm sure she would tell me
Es la misma que se enamoro de un pobre
she's the same one that fell in love with a poor man
Y todo mundo la critiqua
and the whole world criticizes her.
Es la misma que un dia aparecio en mi cuento
the same one that one day appeared in my story
Y no ocupo hacerme cosquillas para ponerme contento
and she doesn't need to tickle me to make me happy
La que aguanta toda mis cursilerias
the one who endures my corneyness
La que me lleva ala cima cadavez que me da un beso
the one who takes me up Everytime she gives me a kiss
Es la misma que me dice todavia por favor no seas traviezo
she's the same one who tells me still.... please don't be mischievous.