The Hoppers Yahweh song lyrics

The Hoppers Yahweh song lyrics
Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is coming
In a manger, our Lord is coming
Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is coming
Born in Bethlehem, born in Bethlehem
Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is teaching
In the temple our Lord is teaching
Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is teaching
No one speaks like Him, no no one speaks like Him

Hosanna He comes in the form of a man
Jehovah the great God of Abraham
He lived just to die for our sin, Yahweh, for we sing

Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is praying
In the garden, our Lord is praying

Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is praying
‘Let this pass from me, let this pass from me'
Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is dying
On the cross there, our Lord is dying
Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is dying
Dying for our sin, dying for our sin
Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is buried
In a rich man's tomb, He is buried
Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is buried
But He will not stay, no He will not stay
Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is rising, our loed is rising
From the grave there our Lord is rising
Mmm Yahweh, Jesus is rising
Now He lives again, yes He lives again

Hosanna He comes in the form of a man
Jehovah the great God of Abraham
He lived just to die for our sin
He rose from the grave, and He lives again

He rose from the grave
He lives again
He arose, He arose
Hallelujah, hallelujah
He lives again
Our Lord lives again