Teflon Brothers In Tolu english translation
Teflon Brothers In Tolu song lyrics
Teflon Brothers In Tolu translation
[Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu? Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.]
All-purpose cleaner all-purpose cleaner, where have you been? Life without you went completely to waste.
Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu?
All-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, where have you been?
Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.
Life without you went completely to waste
Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu?
All-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, where have you been?
Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.
Life without you went completely to waste
Jokaisest solusta, huomaa et mulle on hyötyy tolusta.
From every cell it's visible that I benefit from all-purpose cleaner.
Mä olin ennen lopussa, mut nyt on kotonaki suht koht sopusta.
I used to be at the end but now it's quite peaceful even at home.
Vedän viillon päänahkaan ja kaadan muovipussiin pikaliimaa.
I cut on my scalp and pour super glue into a plastic bag.
Heitän sen hupuks päähän, nähään taas, mä en ikävöi viinaa.
I put it on my head as a hood, see you again, I don't miss alcohol.
Ja minne vaan mä meen mullon tolupullo povaris, mä oon unohtanu moraalis.
And wherever I go I have all-purpose cleaner in my pocket, I've forgotten about your morals.
Sen avul toipusin vaik miten vitun pahast hirvikolarist, eikä ongelmia pollarist.
With it I'd recover even from a fucking awful roadkill, and there's no problem about police.
Ja maksaa niin vähän, verrattuna muihin päihteisiin.
And it costs so little compared to other substances.
Jätä mut, pliis, tähän kadulle makaamaan ekstaasiin.
Leave me, please, to lie on this street in my ecstasy.
Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu?
All-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, where have you been?
Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.
Life without you went completely to waste
Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu?
All-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, where have you been?
Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.
Life without you went completely to waste
Impataan kimpassa ja pidetään hauskaa.
Let's sniff together and have fun.
Kato mua silmään ku tolua mä naukkaan.
Look at me in the eye as I drink some all-purpose cleaner.
Hyvä fiilis päässä, loistoputki päällä.
A good feeling in the head, a great strike going on.
Tyhjennän ton pussin, niinku vakuumi.
I empty that bag like a vacuum.
Tyhjennän ton pussin, niin mä vakuutin.
I empty that bag, that's what I convinced.
Siin oli sinolii, ota poika huikka.
It had some fuel, boy take a sip.
Lasolilla tasotin, nyt luistin luikkaa.
Balanced it out with windscreen washer, now everything runs smoothly.
Tyhjennän ton pussin, niinku vakuumi.
I empty that bag like a vacuum.
Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu?
All-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, where have you been?
Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.
Life without you went completely to waste
Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu?
All-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, where have you been?
Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.
Life without you went completely to waste
Kato tonne, andromeja, tähtisumu.
Look there, Andromeda, a nebula.
Ai et nää? Anna pullolle pusu.
Oh, can't see? Give a bottle a kiss.
Minä ja sinä, rinta rinnan.
Me and you, chest to chest.
Tunnetko intergalaktisen virran?
Can you feel the intergalactic flow?
Lähdetään, linnunradalle.
Let's go to Milky way.
Ruma ankanpoika, ei sua täällä ramase.
Ugly duckling, you're not tired here.
Susta tulee kaunis joutsen.
You'll become a beautiful swan.
Ja kuin feenix-lintu tuhkasta nouset.
And like a phoenix you'll rise from ash.
Ei enää jaksa rimmaa, mä vaan toluu impaan.
Too tired to rhyme, I just sniff all-purpose cleaner.
Vetäsin koskiksen, asutin roskiksen.
Drank a Coke, populated a trash can.
Imppaan tolua ja biitti kompliitti.
I sniff all-purpose cleaner and the beat is complete.
Taustan takaa löytyy aina hermafrodiitti.
Behind the background there's always a hermafrodite.
Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu?
All-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, where have you been?
Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.
Life without you went completely to waste
Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu?
All-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, where have you been?
Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.
Life without you went completely to waste
Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu?
All-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, where have you been?
Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.
Life without you went completely to waste
Tolu tolu, missä sä oot ollu?
All-purpose cleaner, all-purpose cleaner, where have you been?
Elämä ennen sua meni ihan hukkaan.
Life without you went completely to waste