Tamer Hosny كان فى واحدة english translation
Tamer Hosny كان فى واحدة song lyrics
Tamer Hosny كان فى واحدة translation
كان في واحدة حياتها عادية وكان نفسها تتحب
Was Some Girl Her Life is Normal and She Wants To Be Loved
قابلت واحد كل كلامه معاها دخل القلب
She Met Someone All his Talk with her get into Her Heart
فضلت طول الليل سهرانة تفكر في كلامه
she Woke up all night thinking Of His Talk
من جواها كانت فرحانة وشاغلها سلامه
And Inside her She is Very Happy
كان في واحدة حياتها عادية وكان نفسها تتحب
Was Some Girl Her Life is Normal and She Wants To Be Loved
قابلت واحد كل كلامه معاها دخل القلب
She Met Someone All his Talk with her get into Her Heart
فضلت طول الليل سهرانة تفكر في كلامه
she Woke up all night thinking Of His Talk
من جواها كانت فرحانة وشاغلها سلامه
And Inside her She is Very Happy
خد قلبها و بقا يروحلها قدام باب بيتها
He Took her Heart and he was going to her Door (Home)
حست أن الحب ندالها ودخل دنيتها
She Feel that The love Called Her and enterd Her Life
وفي مرة بحنيه قابلها وقرب لإيديها
and he Met Her and close his hand to her hand
وطلع دبلة ورق لبستها وفرحت أوي بيها
and Show her a ring of Plastic and she Put it in her Finger and she was Happy
و وعدها أنها هتشاركه حياته وإنه هيحميها
and he Promise Her to Share Her life With His and he will Make Her Save
حلفتله هتستناه وهتفضل دبلته في إيديها
She Swear To him she will wait for Him And She Will Wear His Ring in her Hand
كان هو بالنسبالها حياتها ودنيا بتبنيها
He Was The for Her
ومكانش في بالها أنه في إحساسها ممكن يأذيها
and She Didn't think that he may Hurt Her
كان في واحدة حياتها عادية وكان نفسها تتحب
Was Some Girl Her Life is Normal and She Wants To Be Loved
ضاع من عمرها أحلى سنين مع واحد عمره ما حب
She Lost A Happy years For her Life with Someone who never Feel Love
حست إنها ظلمت نفسها وده أثر فيها
she Felt that she Punshed her self and this made touch on her feelings
ولما بقت ملكه ملها وإستهون بيها
And when she Become his own he left Her
فهمت وقتها إنه لا حبها ولا قلبه عليها
She Knows that he didn't loved her and his hear never think of her
وأنه محسش يوم بقيمتها ولا هيكون ليها
and he didn't feel her and he will never be Her Man
وإن الدنيا إللي رسمهالها مش موجود فيها
and The Life That He Draw To Her Dosnt avilable
وفعلاً دبلة ورق نهايتها بننسى ونرميها
And wright that this just a plastic Ring and we Will Throw It in the Ebd