Tamer Hosny فرصه اخيره english translation
Tamer Hosny فرصه اخيره song lyrics
Tamer Hosny فرصه اخيره translation
اديتك فرصة أخيرة عشان تنسينى و مقدرتيش
I have given you a last chance when you forget me and Mdtrych
اديتك قلبى عشان ترتاحى فى حضنه و مرتحتيش
I have given you my heart because of my rest in my lap and my tenderness
اديتك فرصة أخيرة عشان تنسينى و مقدرتيش
I have given you a last chance when you forget me and Mdtrych
اديتك قلبى عشان ترتاحى فى حضنه و مرتحتيش
I have given you my heart because of my rest in my lap and my tenderness
اديتك عمرى عشان تعشيه مع عمرك معرفتيش
I will give you my life, and I will live with your age
اديتك حل نهائى ابعد عنك مبترديش
I will give you my life, and I will live with your age
اديتك كل الماضى وكل الحاضر و المستقبل
I owe you all the past and all present and future
و مخدتش الا عذابى و غصب ان عنى لازم حقبل
And the oppressor is only my torment, and the punishment is that I have no need to transgress
اديتك كل الماضى وكل الحاضر و المستقبل
I owe you all the past and all present and future
و مخدتش الا عذابى و غصب ان عنى لازم حقبل
And the oppressor is only my torment, and the punishment is that I have no need to transgress
ما انا عرفك ذى الدنيا بتاخد لكن ما بتديش
I do not know what you are in the world, but what you want
اديتك فرصة أخيرة عشان تنسينى و مقدرتيش
I have given you a last chance when you forget me and Mdtrych
اديتك قلبى عشان ترتاحى فى حضنه و مرتحتيش
I have given you my heart because of my rest in my lap and my tenderness
كتبت بداية القصة و قلت مش حكتب نهاية
I wrote the beginning of the story and I said no end
و قلت باى شكل هحاول أكمل الحكاية
I said in any way he tried to complete the story
كتبت بداية القصة و قلت مش هكتب نهاية
I wrote the beginning of the story and said no end was written
و قلت باى شكل ححاول أكمل الحكاية
And I said in any form he tries to complete the story
ولقيت انك مش شايفة حد غيرك فالمرايا
And I have received you, and there is no other thing except the mirrors
و أخرتها معاكى حبقى من بين الضحايا
She was taken away by the victims
اديتك كل الماضى وكل الحاضر و المستقبل
I owe you all the past and all present and future
و مخدتش الا عذابى و غصب ان عنى لازم حقبل
And the oppressor is only my torment, and the punishment is that I have no need to transgress
اديتك كل الماضى وكل الحاضر و المستقبل
I owe you all the past and all present and future
و مخدتش الا عذابى و غصب ان عنى لازم
And the only trespass is my punishment and the punishment that I mean
حقبل انا عرفك ذى الدنيا بتاخد لكن ما بتديش
I know you, but I do not know what to do
اديتك أحلى سنين فى حياتى و مخدتش الا شقايا
I have taught you the sweetest years in my life, and I am the one who is deceived except the Shekiah
و قلت أنا لو هضحى بأيه عشانك مش كفاية
And I said if I had enough, I would not have had enough
اديتك أحلى سنين فى حياتى و مخدتش الا شقايا
I have taught you the sweetest years in my life, and I am the one who is deceived except the Shekiah
و قلت أنا لو هضحى بأيه عشانك مش كفاية
And I said if I had enough, I would not have had enough
كان كل همى ان انتى دايما راضية وانتى معايا
It was all my wish that you are always satisfied and you are dead
اتارى حبى ليكى من أكبر الخطايا
Atari my love for one of the biggest sins
اديتك كل الماضى وكل الحاضر و المستقبل
I owe you all the past and all present and future
و مخدتش الا عذابى و غصب ان عنى لازم حقبل
And the oppressor is only my torment, and the punishment is that I have no need to transgress
اديتك كل الماضى وكل الحاضر و المستقبل
I owe you all the past and all present and future
و مخدتش الا عذابى و غصب ان عنى لازم حقبل
And the oppressor is only my torment, and the punishment is that I have no need to transgress
ما انا عرفك ذى الدنيا بتاخد ما بتديش
I do not know what the world is like