Tamer Hosny Hawsalak english translation
Tamer Hosny Hawsalak song lyrics
Tamer Hosny Hawsalak translation
انا مش هخاف المره دى . ضاع من عمرى سنين في الخوف .
I won't be afraid this time. I've lost many years in fear
مش هكون انسان عادى انا هتحدى اى ظروف
I won't be a normal human. I'll challenge any circumstances
انا مش هخاف المره دى . ضاع من عمرى سنين في الخوف .
I won't be afraid this time. I've lost many years in fear
مش هكون انسان عادى انا هتحدى اى ظروف
I won't be a normal human. I'll challenge any circumstances
هوصلك حتى لو عارف انى ممكن اموت .
I'll reach you, even if I know that I could die
هوصلك ولازم تحسى باللى حبك مووت
I'll reach you and you must feel the one who loved you to death
هوصلك حتى لو عارف انى ممكن اموت .
I'll reach you, even if I know that I could die
هوصلك ولازم تحسى باللى حبك مووت
I'll reach you and you must feel the one who loved you to death
ولو اديكى ملمستش اديا .
and if your hands didn't youch mine
كفايه عليا اموت وانا شايف . لهفتك عليا .
then it's enough for me to die seeing your rush for me