Tamer Hosny Fe El Hayah english translation
Tamer Hosny Fe El Hayah song lyrics
Tamer Hosny Fe El Hayah translation
في الحياة حاجات مهمه بس دايما فيه الأهم
In life, the most important needs, but the most important
وانت طول عمرك فى نظري كنت شايفك زي حلم
And you are the length of your age in my eyes I was a dream costume
بس لما بدأت اقرب واعيش وياك واجرب
But when I began to live and live and I try
اكتشفت ان انت فعلا شئ قليل مش مهم
I found out that you really are a little bit unimportant
عنيا وكانوا شايفينك بصورة تانية غير صورتك
They were and they were watching you differently than you r picture
حقيقة ما بيني وبينك غلطت ف يوم ما قدرتك
The truth between me and you was wrong in the day what your ability
ده محدش حبه ومحدش كرهه قدي
It is limited to love and limited appetite
وانا من تعبي لازم انساه
I am a tyrant who needs to forget
طول عمري وانا تحت امره وهو ولا حسه عمره
My age is under him and he is not old
بدموع قلبي وانا وياه
With the tears of my heart and I and Yah
وأكتر حاجة بتضحك فى موضوعي ده كله معاك
I need to laugh at all my subjects with you
عشان اوصل واكون وياك خسرت الكل واخترتك
When I get up, and I'm Weak, I lost everything and I chose you