Tamer Hosny Baeed an Eyni english translation

Tamer Hosny Baeed an Eyni song lyrics
Tamer Hosny Baeed an Eyni translation
بعيد عن عيني جايز
Away from the eyes of Jayez
بس الي بيني وبينوا عايش
But Beni and Benoit Ayesh
جوا قلبي مهما كان
Whatever my heart is
مهما كان مهما كان
No matter what
صحيح انوا سايبني
It is true that Anu Saibni
بس قلبي مش جايبني
But my heart is not me
انسى حضنه بتاع زمان
Forget his bosom with time
بتاع زمان بتاع زمان
Bataa Zaman Btaa Zaman
في حاجات عشتها وياك
In the needs of her weyak
ومتنفعش إلا معاك
And you will only benefit
لو ضاع مني انا اضيع
If I were lost, I would be lost
واموت ولا تنفع بعده حياه
And he shall die, and his life shall not be after him
يغيب عن عيني ولكنه
He misses my eyes but he
في قلبي مهمااغيب عنه
In my heart no matter what I miss him
وكل ما بتحرم منه
And all that deprives him
كل ما زاد في قلبي هواك
All that increased in my heart is your passion
ما ترجع با حبيبك انا
What is your beloved?
والله بموت من وقتها
And God by death of its time
بص فعنيا طب امسك ايديا
Physically take medicine
مش دي اللي قلت انك بتحبها
I did not say that you love her