Swing Original Monks Los 40 english translation
Swing Original Monks Los 40 song lyrics
Swing Original Monks Los 40 translation
A los nueve meses empeze a caminar
At nine months I started to walk
al año y media a manipular
At one year and half to manipulate
a los 3 me creia dueño del mundo
At 3 I believed I was the owner of the world
a los 4 ya era todo un facundo
At 4 I was a Facundo
a los 5 a prendi a leer y a escribir
At 5 I learnt to read and write
a los 8 aun no tenia que decir
At 8 I didn't had anything to say yet
a los 10 conoci el amor
At 10 I met love
a los 11 habia sido un error
At 11 that had been a mistake
Aguaytate un ratico ha ver como te explico compañero
Wait a little while to see how I explain to you, fellow
por mas que exista el segundero
Although there is a second hand
el tiempo corre sin compas
Time runs without a compass
de gana se complican la vida haciendo un triptico de circo
Useless to complicate life by making a circus triptych
un simple drama singular que si se muere el minutero el tiempo no se va a parar
A simple singular drama that if the minute hand dies the time is not going to stop
a los 16 comia como un lagarto
At 16 I ate like an aligator
a los 18 de estudiar estaba harto
At 18 of studying I was sick
yo no quiero llegar a los 40 sin pasar por los 30
I don't want to reach the 40s without passing the 30s
tener 20 con 50 de experiencia
Being 20 with 50 of experience
para que tanta exigencia
Why so much demand
yo no queiro llegar a los 40 sin pasar por los 30
I don't want to reach the 40s without passing the 30s
tener veinte con cincuenta de... de que?
Being 20 with 50 of ... of what?
porque buscar la rosa de los vientos
Why look for the rose of the winds?
en cada linde, en cada esquina, en cada borde, en la vereda, en la mañana, en la rutina
In each limit, in every corner, in each edge, in the sidewalk, in the morning, in the routine
donde yace y se germina la morfina que ha calmado el pensamiento
Where the morphine that has calmed the thought lies and germinates
aunque el zorro vista el burro, el perro de gato y el pato camine con zancos
Although the fox dresses as donkey, the cat asdog and the duck walks with stilts
eso no va a cambiar que el burro sea burro el perro, perro, el pato pato, no me apresuren el timpo con tanto aparato
That will not change that the donkey is a donkey the dog, dog, the duck, duck, do not hurry the time with so much apparatus
ay para que tanta prisa
Oh, why so much hurry?
ay a donde quieren legar
Oh, where do they want to reach?
yo no quero llegar a los 40 sin pasar por los 30
I don't want to reach the 40s without passing the 30s
tener 20 con 50 de experiencia
Being 20 with 50 of experience
para que tanta excelencia
Why so much demand
yo no quero llegar a los 40 sin pasar por los 30
I don't want to reach the 40s without passing the 30s
tener 20 con 50 de experiencia
Being 20 with 50 of experience
crecer es una ciencia
Growing is a science
yo no quiero llegar a los 40
I don't want to reach the 40s