SuperStereo Bent a neved english translation
SuperStereo Bent a neved song lyrics
SuperStereo Bent a neved translation
Tele van a csend ma képekkel
The silence full of pictures today
Épp filmet vetít a tegnap.
Yesterday is showing movie at this moment
Tele veled minden egyes perc
Every single minute is full with you,
Megfogott, amilyen vagy.
Caught me who you are.
Mától hordom bent a neved.
From today I'm keeping your name inside,
Velem is megeshet, megleptél.
It could happen with me too, you surprised me.
Végre véget ért a ború!
Finally, the war has come to an end!
Úgy néz ki, tényleg megjöttél.
It looks like you really arrived
Bent a neved, látlak mindenhol.
Your name is inside, I see you everywhere.
Minden perc ma rólad szól.
Every minute is about you today.
Arcod belém égett már.
Your face has already burnt into me.
Szép film, ahogy táncoltál.
Beautiful movie was, how you were dancing.
Végre lakott lett a szív.
At last the heart has become populated.
Tőled csillog a kamra.
Chamber is shining from you.
Beragyogod borúm fényeddel
My dimness is shined with your lights,
Lángra lobbant a szikra.
Sparkle bursts into flames.
Szemfény, érzékiség, báj
Lights of eyes, sensualism, charm,
A mosolyoddal elkaptál.
You've caught me with your smile.
Dús haj, lágy öl, égő száj
Flowing hair, soft lap, burning mouth,
Bent a szándék, biztos már.
The intention is inside, for sure.
Bent a neved, látlak mindenhol.
Your name is inside, I see you everywhere.
Minden perc ma rólad szól.
Every minute is about you today.
Arcod belém égett már.
Your face has already burnt into me.
Szép film, ahogy táncoltál.
Beautiful movie was, how you were dancing.
Bent a neved, látlak mindenhol.
Your name is inside, I see you everywhere.
Minden perc ma rólad szól.
Every minute is about you today.
Arcod belém égett már.
Your face has already burnt into me.
Szép film, ahogy táncolnál.
Nice film, as you dance.
Bent a neved...
Your name is inside...
Bent a neved.
Your name is inside...
Bent a neved...
Your name is inside...
Bent a neved...
Your name is inside...
Bent a neved...
Your name is inside...
Bent a neved...
Your name is inside...
Bent a neved...
Your name is inside...
Bent a neved...
Your name is inside...
Bent a neved, látlak mindenhol.
Your name is inside, I see you everywhere.
Minden perc ma rólad szól.
Every minute is about you today.
Arcod belém égett már.
Your face has already burnt into me.
Szép film, ahogy táncoltál.
Beautiful movie was, how you were dancing.
Bent a neved, látlak mindenhol.
Your name is inside, I see you everywhere.
Minden perc ma rólad szól.
Every minute is about you today.
Arcod belém égett már.
Your face has already burnt into me.
Szép film, ahogy táncoltál.
Beautiful movie was, how you were dancing.