StoryBots Time for T song lyrics

StoryBots Time for T song lyrics
It is time to tap our toes
To a tune about the letter T

When you see a turtle trying on a top -hat
You know it's time for T

And when you tippy-toe past a tiger eating toast
Well it's time for T

And you talk about a turkey on the tennis team
Yeah, it's time for T

There's a tarantula tasting a tangerine
Oh, it's time for T

It's time for T
It's time for T
It's time for T
Try it and you'll see
It's time for T
It's totally
Time for T

Take it away, StoryBots!

The tortoise is driving a taco truck

Time for T

And the toad on the trapeze is playing the trombone
Time for T

It's time for T
It's time for T
It's time for T
Try it and you'll see
It's time for T
It's totally
Time for T

Time for T