Speak The Meantime song lyrics

Speak The Meantime song lyrics
In the meantime
While the dust sets
And we've said it all
Just remember
What we promised
When the gloves were off

In the daylight
When we notice
There's no cover
Just remember
What it feels like
When the clothes are off
You're right
You're right
You're right
You're right

When the wall breaks
And the old dream
Is a dirty word
Can you promise
Not to turn out
All the will we've earned

In the fallout
When we fall away
And the tides have turned
Will the white wash
Cover everything
Or do cracks emerge

You're right
You're right
You're right
You're right

After nine lives
That I sweat for you
Is it so hard
To remember
That I'm human too?

In the firelight
When the bonds break
Do we hold them up?
With a blank slate
And the hindsight
That we're dangerous

You're right
You're right
You're right
You're right

Every fight you ever knew
You could have someone to fight for you
And every fight you lose
You could have known someone who's fighting too
And I can't know and I can't know and I can't know what the edge is like
Every time the center falls away from you I'm on your side