Snotkop Agter Op My Fiets english translation
Snotkop Agter Op My Fiets song lyrics
Snotkop Agter Op My Fiets translation
spring maar agter op by my
jump on up at the back
agter op my fiets
on the back of my bicycle
en ek weet nog nie waarnatoe ons gaan nie maar dit pla my ook nie regtig nie
and I don't know yet where we're going but that doesn't bother me
spring maar agter op by my
jump on up at the back
dan gaan ons saam hier weg
then we'll go away together
en ek weet nog nie waarnatoe maar dit maak nie saak nie want ek ken die weg
and I don't know yet where we're going but that doesn't bother me
uh... ek ken jou nog nie maar jy lyk nes barbie
uh..I don't know you that well but you look just like Barbie
en dis dalk alles te danke aan die vyf baccardi
and it's all thanks to that five Baccardi's I drank
maar ek dink elke dag aan jou mooie gesig
but I think about your beautiful face everyday
aan jou lyfie "oo" so mooi n bietjie oorgewig
and about your body oh so sexy, maybe just a little overweight
en ek hoop so jy pas hier agter teen my rug
and I hope you'll fit in nice and tight againt my back
want ek het n nuwe fiets en ja ek wil jou lift
because I bought a new bicycle and yes I want lift you on it
so vergeet die trein vergeet die bus
so forget about the train, forget about the bus
spring maar agter op my fiets hier waar ek lekker rus
just jump on my bicycle here behind me, while I rest awhile
en nou pas vertel ek jou wat jy graag wil hoor
and so I just told you all that you wanted to hear
met jou arms om my lyf lui my klokkie oor en oor
with your arms around my waist, I'll keep ringing the bell
noem my trompie en saam is ons die boksombende
call me Trompie and together we'll be the Boksem-gang
lekker boudjies soos kersgeskenke
a nice backside, like christmas gifts
maar die volgende oggend was ek heel geskok
but the next morning I got quit a shock
agter op my fiets het jy vir my gejok
because on the back of my bicycle you lied to me
jy wou net my fiets met al die kêrels deel
you just wanted my bicycle, to share with with all the other guys
en toe ek sien het sy my fiets gesteel
and when I looked I saw that she stole my bicycle
spring maar agter op by my
jump on up at the back
agter op my fiets
on the back of my bicycle
en ek weet nog nie waarnatoe ons gaan nie maar dit pla my ook nie regtig nie
and I don't know yet where we're going but that doesn't bother me
spring maar agter op by my
jump on up at the back
dan gaan ons saam hier weg
then we'll go away together
en ek weet nog nie waarnatoe maar dit maak nie saak nie want ek ken die weg
and I don't know yet where we're going but that doesn't bother me
uh... ek ken jou nog nie maar jy lyk nes mienkie
uh...I don't know you yet, but you look just like Mienkie
en dis alles dalk te danke aan die vyftien whiskeys
and it's all thanks to that fifteen whiskeys that I drank
en ons vergeet van als ek het n nuwe fiets
and we forget about everything, I have a new bicycle
en jy pas hier agter op net soos in die flieks
and you fit on the back, just like in the movies
miskien is ek van plan om hier weg te gaan
maybe it's my plan to get away form here
na n ander plekkie erens ver weg vandaan
to go to a place very far here
na parys of na rome of na milan
to Paris or to Rome, maybe even Milan
of soos e.t op sy fiets ver weg oor die maan
maybe even like E.T on his bicycle over the moon
en hierdie keer vertel ek wat jy nie wil hoor
and this time I won't tell you anything
want hierdie keer wil ek nie weer my hart verloor nie
because this time I don't want to loose my heart again
so nou is ek opreg en weet van al my foute
so now I'm sincere and I aware of my flaws
maar daar's nie fout nie kyk daai lekker boude
but there's no problems, just take a look at nice ass
soveel lekker dinge wat ons saam kan doen
there is so much that we can do together
baby hou maar vas want ek gaan jou soen
babe hold on tight because I'm gonna kiss you
more word jy wakker dis wat jy sal weet
and tomorrow when you wake up you'll know
met my fiets het ek jou hart gesteel
that I stole your heart with my bicycle
spring maar agter op by my
jump on up at the back
agter op my fiets
on the back of my bicycle
en ek weet nog nie waarnatoe ons gaan nie maar dit pla my ook nie regtig nie
and I don't know yet where we're going but that doesn't bother me
spring maar agter op by my
jump on up at the back
dan gaan ons saam hier weg
then we'll go away together
en ek weet nog nie waarnatoe maar dit maak nie saak nie want ek ken die weg
and I don't know yet where we're going but that doesn't bother me
my laaste paar sente was verseker
with the last of my money, I was positive
die beste paar sente van my lewe
that it was the beste money that I ever had
en as ek nie my sente uit gegee het
but what if I didn't spend that money...
dan voel ek jou weer agterop-voel ek beter
then I feel you again, that feeling of you at the back, and that makes me feel beter
uh... daar gestaan met jou hoë hakke stood there with your high-heels on
voor my toe word daar n dier wakker
right in front of me, and that awaken the animal in me
al die sterre verblind deur jou oorbelle
all the stars fade away at the sight of your earrings
sorry moes my seker voorgestel het
sorry, I should've introduced myself
SNOTKOP-ek het n paar voorstelle
I'm SNOTKOP and I have a few proposals
sexy jy sien dit met jou ligselle
you are sexy, I think you know that
ek en jy hier op my fiets ons vat dit bietjie verder
it's just you and me, here on my bicycle, let' take it a little further
maanskyn, dans ons kyk na die sterre
in the moonlight, we danced and looked at the stars
drie, vier bottels wyn wat ons bestel het
we ordered three or four bottles of wine
glo my as ek jou soen kry jy baie lekker
believe me that when I kiss you, you'll enjoy it
maar eerder sê ek niks spring maar agter op dan gee ek jou n lift
I should've kept quite, but jump on at the back and I'll give you a lift
spring maar agter op by my
jump on up at the back
agter op my fiets
on the back of my bicycle
en ek weet nog nie waarnatoe ons gaan nie maar dit pla my ook nie regtig nie
and I don't know yet where we're going but that doesn't bother me
spring maar agter op by my
jump on up at the back
dan gaan ons saam hier weg
then we'll go away together
en ek weet nog nie waarnatoe maar dit maak nie saak nie want ek ken die weg
and I don't know yet where we're going but that doesn't bother me
spring maar agter op by my
jump on up at the back
agter op my fiets
on the back of my bicycle
en ek weet nog nie waarnatoe ons gaan nie maar dit pla my ook nie regtig nie
and I don't know yet where we're going but that doesn't bother me
spring maar agter op by my
jump on up at the back
dan gaan ons saam hier weg
then we'll go away together
en ek weet nog nie waarnatoe maar dit maak nie saak nie want ek ken die weg
and I don't know yet where we're going but that doesn't bother me