Smiley Oarecare english translation
Smiley Oarecare song lyrics
Smiley Oarecare translation
E ziua in care
It is the day when
Vreau sa fiu doar un oarecare
I want to be just an anybody
Sa daruiesc la intamplare
To give randomly
Sa vad doar fete zambitoare. in jurul meu
To see only smiling faces around me
E ziua in care
It is the day when
Vreau sa fiu doar un oarecare
I want to be just an anybody
Sa daruiesc la intamplare
To give randomly
Sa vad doar fete zambitoare. in jurul meu
To see only smiling faces around me
E ziua in care
It is the day when
Nu scot masina din parcare
I won't take the car out of the parking lot
Astazi sunt doar un oarecare
Today I'm just an anybody
Si iubesc pe fiecare. in felul meu
And I love everybody in my own way
Ma scuzati, deranjez daca va enervez
Excuse me, am I disturbing you if I annoy you
Nu asta intentionez
That's not what I intend to do
Vreau sa va adresez o singura intrebare
I want to ask you a single question
Cand ati oferit fara vreun motiv o floare?
When have you offered a flower without any reason
Asta-i pentru cei ce inca plang
This is for those that still cry
Asta-i pentru inimi ce se frang
This is for hearts that are breaking
E pentru cei care dau, nu conteaza cat iau
It's for those that give, no matter how much they get
Si nu le pasa cat stau.
And they don't care for how long they stay
E ziua in care
It is the day when
Vreau sa fiu doar un oarecare
I want to be just an anybody
Sa daruiesc la intamplare
To give randomly
Sa vad doar fete zambitoare in jurul meu
To see only smiling faces around me
E ziua in care
It is the day when
Nu scot masina din parcare
I won't take the car out of the parking lot
Astazi sunt doar un oarecare
Today I'm just an anybody
Si iubesc pe fiecare in felul meu.
And I love everybody in my own way
Poate-ti par impertinent
Maybe I seem impertinent to you
Dar mai degraba eu ma vad perseverent
But I rather see myself as being perseverent
Urmandu-mi scopul atent
Following my purpose carefully
Mai am o intrebare, pentru fiecare
I have one more question, for everyone
Aveti vreo asteptare atunci cand oferiti o floare?
Do you have any expectations when you offer a flower?
Asta-i pentru cei ce inca plang
This is for those that still cry
Asta-i pentru inimi ce se frang
This is for hearts that are breaking
E pentru cei care dau, nu conteaza cat iau
It's for those that give, no matter how much they get
Si nu le pasa cat stau
And they don't care for how long they stay
E ziua in care
It is the day when
Vreau sa fiu doar un oarecare
I want to be just an anybody
Sa daruiesc la intamplare
To give randomly
Sa vad doar fete zambitoare. in jurul meu
To see only smiling faces around me
E ziua in care
It is the day when
Nu scot masina din parcare
I won't take the car out of the parking lot
Astazi sunt doar un oarecare
Today I'm just an anybody
Si iubesc pe fiecare in felul meu.
And I love everybody in my own way
Asta-i pentru cei ce inca plang
This is for those that still cry
Asta-i pentru inimi ce se frang
This is for hearts that are breaking
E pentru cei care dau, nu conteaza cat iau
It's for those that give, no matter how much they get
Si nu le pasa cat stau.
And they don't care for how long they stay
E ziua in care
It is the day when
Vreau sa fiu doar un oarecare
I want to be just an anybody
Sa daruiesc la intamplare
To give randomly
Sa vad doar fete zambitoare. in jurul meu.
To see only smiling faces around me
E ziua in care
It is the day when
Nu scot masina din parcare
I won't take the car out of the parking lot
Astazi sunt doar un oarecare
Today I'm just an anybody
Si iubesc pe fiecare in felul meu.
And I love everybody in my own way