Slim Dusty Big Gulf Rivers song lyrics
Slim Dusty Big Gulf Rivers song lyrics
How I long to return to the gulf land
Where I rode with the Campbells years ago
Where the Mitchel grass is growing
And the south wind is blowing
To the land where the big guff rivers flow
When the stock went overland
And with bronco ropes we'd brand
And the pack horses followed us around
We would sleep beneath the stars
And eat beneath the Coolibahs
Our dampers cooked in a hole dug in the ground
The tailers tail the horses
Along the water course
And brought them to the camp by break of day
As the morning star was rising
We'd be saddled up and riding
To muster up the fats to send away
How I long to return to the gulf land
Where I rode with the Campbells years ago
Where the Mitchel grass is growing
And the south wind is blowing
To the land where the big guff rivers flow
We would muster on the plains
Without the help from aeroplanes
There was no drafting yards or loading ramps
And we'd hold them in a mob
Whilst the Campbells did his job
We'd draft them on the open cattle camp
We would take them up the river
To the place where we deliver
And watch them on the boundry overnight
In that cold and windy weather
We would hold that mob together
And hand them to the drover at first light
How I long to return to the gulf land
Where I rode with the Campbells years ago
Where the Mitchel grass is growing
And the south wind is blowing
To the land where the big guff rivers flow
Big rivers you know Charlie big gull rivers