Ska-P Mis colegas english translation
Ska-P Mis colegas song lyrics
Ska-P Mis colegas translation
Vas caminando despacio,
You go walking slowly
sin ganas de sonreir, de sonreir
Without wanting to smile, to smile
Hemos quedado en el barrio,
We're meeting up in the neighbourhood
unos litros y cien duros de hachis...
Some letres and a hundred pounds of hash..
Perdidos en cualquier lado,
Lost in whatever side
soñando con escapar, con escapar
Dreaming about escape, about escape
La mayoria del paro,
The majority of the unemployed
y el que curra del trabajo temporal
And the one who works in the temporary job
Han pasado 10 años,
10 years have past
¿mis colegas donde están?
My coluegues where are they?
El que no anda en el mako,
Who is not in drugs
hace poco lo acabaron de enterrar
Not long ago they buried him
La heroina no acudio a su funeral
The heroin did not went to his funeral
Hey!! Chaval.
Hey!! Mate.
Siempre a la sombra de la sociedad
Always in the shadow of society
Somos la causa de su malestar.
We are the cause of your illness
Escúpele al sistema,
Spit on the system
y nunca dejes de molestar
Never stop pestering
No Chaval
No mate
No es ley de vida tu desigualdad,
It's not a law of life your inequality
No te dieron la oportunidad.
They didn't give you the opportunity
Escúpele al sistema,
Spit on the system
Y nunca dejes de molestar.
Never stop pestering
Existe una alternativa, legalizar,
An alternative exists, legalisation
esto tiene que cambiar,
This needs to change
lo vamos a cambiar...
We're going to change it
¿Qué te ha pasado princesa?
What happened to you princess?
Que no te veo sonreir, sonreir
I don't see you smiling, smiling
Aun no tienes tu dosis,
They still don't have your dosage
por la noche te tienes que prostituir
You need to prostitute yourself at night
Maldita mierda prohibida,
Fucking forbidden shit
que nuestros sueños rompió,
Which broke our dreams
los rompió.
It broke them
Hablabamos de injusticias, comenzabamos nuestra revolucion
We were talking about injustices, starting our revolution
Comenzabamos nuestra revolucion
starting our revolution
Hey!! Chaval.
Hey!! Mate.
Siempre a la sombra de la sociedad
Always in the shadow of society
Somos la causa de su malestar.
We are the cause of your illness
Escúpele al sistema,
Spit on the system
y nunca dejes de molestar
Never stop pestering
No Chaval
No mate
No es ley de vida tu desigualdad,
It's not a law of life your inequality
No te dieron la oportunidad.
They didn't give you the opportunity
Escúpele al sistema,
Spit on the system
Y nunca dejes de molestar.
Never stop pestering
Existe una alternativa, legalizar,
An alternative exists, legalisation
esto tiene que cambiar,
This needs to change
lo vamos a cambiar.
We're going to change it
no somos ratas de ciudad
We're not street rats
contra el estado del malestar
Against the state of discomfort
no somos ratas de ciudad
We're not street rats
contra el estado del malestar
Against the state of discomfort
Del paraiso al infierno,
From paradise to hell
hay un paso nada mas,
It's one step nothing more
la prohibicion es un business.
Prohibition is a business
La droga existe
The drug exits
y no la vas a eliminar,
And you're not going to eliminate it
la solucion consiste en legalizar
The solution consists in legalisation
Hey!! Chaval.
Hey!! Mate.
Siempre a la sombra de la sociedad
Always in the shadow of society
Somos la causa de su malestar.
We are the cause of your illness
Escúpele al sistema,
Spit on the system
y nunca dejes de molestar
Never stop pestering
No Chaval
No mate
No es ley de vida tu desigualdad,
It's not a law of life your inequality
No te dieron la oportunidad.
They didn't give you the opportunity
A mis colegas y a la pena en general
To my colleagues and to pain in general
No os dejeis nunca esclavizar,
Never let yourselves be enslaved
la union hace la fuerza
The union creates the strength
Nunca, no la has de olvidar
You must never forget it