Siddharta Rain english translation

Siddharta Rain song lyrics
Siddharta Rain translation
六月の嘘 目の前の本当 セピアにしまいこみ
June's lies and the truth in front of my eyes are put away in sepia tones
寄り添うとか 温もりとか わからなくなってた
Nestling in the warmth of each other; I don't understand those things anymore
「君はひとりで平気だから…ね」と 押しつけて さよなら
"You'll be fine on your own...right?" You said..forcing upon me and said goodbye.
その類の気休めなら 聞き飽きた筈なのに
If it's going to be that kind of consolation; then I should be tired of hearing it by now
鳴り止まない 容赦ない思い出たちは 許してくれそうにもない
Endless ringing, the rentless memories seem to have no intention of forgiving me
目を閉じれば 勢いは増すばかりで 遠巻きで 君が笑う
If I close my eyes, they only surround me more and more and you're smiling from afar
雨は いつか止むのでしょうか ずいぶん長い間 冷たい
Will the rain ever stop, I wonder? for a pretty long time now it's been cold
雨は どうして僕を選ぶの 逃げ場のない 僕を選ぶの
Why does the rain choose me? Why does it choose me who has nowhere to escape ?
やっと見つけた 新しい朝は 月日が邪魔をする
The new morning I finally found has been intruded by other days
向かう先は 「次」じゃなくて 「過」ばかり追いかけた
The direction I face is not the future, I kept chasing after the past
慰めから きっかけをくれた君と 恨めしく 怖がりな僕
And your consolation gave me a new start. The hatred and cowardice growing inside me.
そろそろかな 手探り 疲れた頬を 葛藤がこぼれ落ちる
It's about time...Fumblin,on my tired cheeks trouble has falling down
過去を知りたがらない瞳 洗い流してくれる指
Eyes don't want to know the past, and fingers can wash it all away
優しい歩幅で 癒す傷跡 届きそうで 届かない距離
Scars heal at a gentle pace; an unreachable distance seems to be within reach
雨は いつか止むのでしょうか ずいぶん長い間 冷たい
Will the rain ever stop, I wonder? for a pretty long time now it's been cold
雨は どうして僕を選ぶの 包まれて いいかな
Why does the rain choose me? I wonder if it's ok to let it cover me
雨は 止むことを知らずに 今日も降り続くけれど
Without knowing when to stop the rain continue falling today.
そっと 差し出した傘の中で 温もりに 寄り添いながら
Under the umbrella I hold gently. We quietly nestle together