Shift Avioane De Hartie english translation
Feat AndraShift Avioane De Hartie song lyrics
Shift Avioane De Hartie translation
A, B, C, D, E
La inceput citesti pe litere
At first you read at leetrs
Si viata pare o poezie
and the life seems a fantasy
Nu stiai ca poti sa zbori in avioane de hartie
you don't know that you can fly in Paper air planes
Spunea profu de mate: "Istrate, visezi, tu n-o sa ajungi
My teacher said :if you dream you will be nothing
Fair away
E ciudat cum trece timpul
it's stange how it moves the time
Complicat, ca de fapt e atat de simplu
complicated, Cause' is so simple
Mi-au spus ca nu se poate
they said that is impossible
Dar nu le-am dat dreptate
But I don't hear them
Si cea mai tare parte
And the best part
E ca visele devin realitate
is the dreams comes reality
Vino cu mine si-o sa poti canta
Come with me and you will sing
Chiar daca ai pierdut tot ce mai conta
Even if you lost what was important
E-o lume-n care e simplu sa zbori.
is a world where is easy to fly
Vino cu mine sa pictam culori
Come with me Let's paint colours
Peste cerul gri, dincolo de nori
On the sky Grey ,under the Clouds
E-o lume-n care e simplu sa zbori
is a world where is easy to fly
In avioane de hartie
in Paper airplanes
Avioane de hartie,
Paper Air planes
Si scriu dorinte pe avioane de hartie
And I whrite Wishes on Paper airplanes
Cand era mic asta parea o fantezie
When I was young seems a Fantasy
Azi e o noua melodie
today is a new song
Stau cu chirie dar imi tin speranta vie
I stay with Rent ,but I hold my hope alive
Sunt roman deci trebuie sa trag tare
I'm romanian so I must to pull hard
Si trebuie sa am raspunsuri la orice intrebare
And I must to have answers to any question
Imi bate inima atat de tare, cardio
My heart beat so hard , cardio
Cand imi aud piesa in cluburi si la radio
When I hear my song in clubs and at radio
Mi-au spus ca nu se poate
they said that is impossible
Dar nu le-am dat dreptate
But I don't hear them
Si cea mai tare parte
And the best part
E ca visele devin realitate
is the dreams comes reality
Vino cu mine si-o sa poti canta
Come with me and you will sing
Chiar daca ai pierdut tot ce mai conta
Even if you lost what was important
E-o lume-n care e simplu sa zbori.
is a world where is easy to fly
Vino cu mine sa pictam culori
Come with me Let's paint colours
Peste cerul gri, dincolo de nori
On the sky Grey ,under the Clouds
E-o lume-n care e simplu sa zbori
is a world where is easy to fly
In avioane de hartie
in Paper airplanes
Avioane de hartie,
Paper Air planes
Oh si nu au motor
Oh and dont have motors
Nu au elice dar zboara usor
Dont have propeller but fly easy
Speranta e vie
The hope is alive
In avioane de hartie
in Paper airplanes
E o fabrica de vise acolo in inima ta
Is a factory of dreams there in your heart
Nu te da batut si o sa poti decola
Don't give up and you will lift
In avioane de hartie
in Paper airplanes
Avioane de hartie
Paper Air planes
Vino cu mine si-o sa poti canta
Come with me and you will sing
Chiar daca ai pierdut tot ce mai conta
Even if you lost what was important
E-o lume-n care e simplu sa zbori.
is a world where is easy to fly
Vino cu mine sa pictam culori
Come with me Let's paint colours
Peste cerul gri, dincolo de nori
On the sky Grey ,under the Clouds
E-o lume-n care e simplu sa zbori
is a world where is easy to fly
In avioane de hartie
in Paper airplanes
Avioane de hartie.
Paper Air planes