Shereen Ya Layali english translation
Shereen Ya Layali song lyrics
Shereen Ya Layali translation
يا ليالي روحي لحبيبي وناديه
Oh nights go to my love and call him
وامانه عليكي تقوليله حالي ايه
And please tell him how I'm doing
من يوم غيابه وانا روحي رايحه عليه
Since the day he left my soul has gone to him
منمتش عيوني وان ناموا يحلمو بيه
My eyes haven't slept, and if they did, they dream of him
يا ليلي روحيله عن شوقي وناري احكيله
Oh nights go to him, and about my firing longoing tell him
يا يجيلي ياما اجيله مش قادره في بعده اعيش
Either he comes or I go to him. I can't live in his absence
وقوليله كفايه ويخلي لبعده نهايه مش عايزه غيره معايا
And tell him it's enough, to end his absence. I don't want but him with me
والباقي ميلزمنيش
I don't need the rest
زي الليلادي انا كنت معاه
A night like this I was with him
وفي حضني بلاقي كل الي بتمناه
In his arms I find what I wish
يا ليالي بقي كده حالي يرضيك
Oh nights are you staistfied with my situation
مش بعمل حاجه غير اني بفكر فيه
I do nothing but thinking about him