Shakira Boig per Tu english translation

Shakira Boig per Tu song lyrics
Shakira Boig per Tu translation
En la terra humida escric
In the wet soil I write
Saps que estic boig per tu
You know that I'm crazy for you
Em passo els dies esperant la nit
I spend the days waiting in the night

Com et puc estimar
How I can love you
Si de mi estàs tan lluny
If you're so far away from me?
Servil i acabat boig per tu
Servile and finished, I'm crazy for you

Sé molt bé que des d'aquest bar
I know very well that from this bar
Jo no puc arribar on ets tu
I can't get to where you are
Però dins la meva copa veig
But in my glass I see,
Reflexada la teva llum
Reflected, your light
Me la beuré
I will drink my drink
Servil i acabat boig per tu
Servile and finished, I'm crazy for you

Quan no hi siguis al matí
When I don't find you in the morning
Les llàgrimes es perdran
The tears fade away
Entre la pluja que caurà avui
Among the rain that falls today

Em quedaré atrapat
I'll stay trapped
Ebri d'aquesta llum
Drunk from that light
Servil i acabat boig per tu
Servile and finished, I'm crazy for you

Sé molt bé que des d'aquest bar
I know very well that from this bar
Jo no puc arribar on ets tu
I can't get to where you are
Però dins la meva copa veig
But in my glass I see,
Reflexada la teva llum
Reflected, your light
Me la beuré
I will drink my drink
Servil i acabat boig per tu
Servile and finished, I'm crazy for you

Sé molt bé que des d'aquest bar
I know very well that from this bar
Jo no puc arribar on ets tu
I can't get to where you are
Però dins la meva copa veig
But in my glass I see,
Reflexada la teva llum
Reflected, your light
Me la beuré
I will drink my drink
Servil i acabat boig per tu
Servile and finished, I'm crazy for you

Servil i acabat boig per tu
Servile and finished, I'm crazy for you