Shahzoda Sensiz Kelmas Bahorim english translation

Shahzoda Sensiz Kelmas Bahorim song lyrics
Shahzoda Sensiz Kelmas Bahorim translation
Bir ko‘rishda xayolim olding,
Once you had glanced at me and captivated all my thoughts,
Nozik qalbimni jarohatlading,
You hurt my gentle soul
Yuragimni senga baxsh etay,
May my heart be devoted to you
Ilk sevganim sen o‘zing bolding!
You became the first Love of mine!

Sensiz yo‘qdir oromim,
I have no peace without you
Sensiz kelmas bahorim,
My Spring won't come without you
Sensiz o‘xshamas kuyim!
My song is wrong without you!
Kechalari seni o‘layman,
I think about you at night
Kechalari seni qo‘msayman,
I desire you at night
I love!

Olislarga nigoh intizor,
Gaze with the yearning to go far away,
Ayriliq – bu qanchalar azob,
Parting, oh how much torments it includes!
Zimistonga aylanar bahor,
The Spring turns into darkness
Qayta qolgin, qolmadi mador…
Come back, I can't take it anymore...

Sensiz yo‘qdir oromim,
I have no peace without you
Sensiz kelmas bahorim,
My Spring won't come without you
Sensiz o‘xshamas kuyim!
My song is wrong without you!
Kechalari seni o‘layman,
I think about you at night
Kechalari seni qo‘msayman,
I desire you at night
I love!