Severina Tridesete english translation
Severina Tridesete song lyrics
Severina Tridesete translation
Ucinilo mi se da kazes
It seemed to me that you said
grudi su ti kao rahat lokumi
your breasts are like Turkish Delights
polako tvoja ruka krece
slowly your hand moves
mislim, Boze, nek' radi sto naumi
I think , God, let him do whatever he think of
A ti od prvoga minuta
And you since the first minute
znas da ovo vodi do kreveta
You know this leads to the bed
a ja od prvoga minuta
and I from the first minute
znam bit' ces moj muz, otac mog djeteta
known you'll be my husband, father of my child
Na prvi pogled cini ti se
At your first glance seem to be
sve ce biti kao i obicno
Everything like usually
a ja na prvi pogled znam
and at first glance I know
izabrala sam odlicno
I picked perfectly
Shvati ovako ili onako
Understand it this or that way
samo nemoj naopako
just do not get it wrong way
to je k'o ljubav vrlo slicno
this is very similar to love
tridesete, nista neobicno
Thirties, nothing unusual
Ref. 2x
Repeat 2x
Da nisam ja
Did I
skroz s pamecu skrenula
Lost my mind all the way
kad sam ti tako nesto spomenula
When I mentioned to you something like that
to su samo prvi znaci
Those are just first signs
prvi znaci, da me sjete
First signs, to remind me that
lete mi, lete, tridesete
Fly away, fly, thirties