Selena Amor Prohibido english translation

Selena Amor Prohibido song lyrics
Selena Amor Prohibido translation
Con unas ansias locas quiero verte hoy
With crazy cravings I want to see you today
Espero ese momento en que escuche tu voz
I wait for the moment when I hear your voice
Y cuando al fin estemos juntos los dos
And when at last we're together
Que importa que diran
Who cares what they'll say
Tu padre y tu mama
Your father and your mother
Aqui solo importa nuestro amor
Here only our love is important
Te quiero
I love you

Amor prohibido murmuran por las calles
Prohibited Love is what the streets murmur
Porque somos de distintas sociedades
Because we are from different societies
Amor prohibido nos dice todo el mundo
Forbidden Love is what the whole world says
El dinero no importa en ti ni en mi
Money isn't important between to you nor me
Ni en el corazon oh, oh baby
Nor in the heart oh, oh baby

Aunque soy pobre todo esto que te doy
Even though I'm poor this is all I give you
Vale mas que el dinero porque si es amor
It's worth more than money because it's love
Y cuando al fin estemos juntos los dos
And when at last we're together
Que importa que dira
Who cares what they will say
Tambien la sociedad
Even society
Aqui solo importa nuestro amor
Here only our love is important
Te queiro
I love you

Amor prohibido murmuran por las calles
Prohibited Love is what the streets murmur
Porque somos de distintas sociedades
Because we are from different societies
Amor prohibido nos dice todo el mundo
Forbidden Love is what the whole world says
El dinero no importa en ti ni en mi
Money isn't important between to you nor me
Ni en el corazon oh, oh baby
Nor in the heart oh, oh baby