Sebastian Hvis du tror du er noget english translation
Sebastian Hvis du tror du er noget song lyrics
Sebastian Hvis du tror du er noget translation
Du har været oppe hele dagen
you have been up all day
du har været hele byen rundt
you have been all around town
du var henne på socialen
you have been to the job centre
du har talt så det gjorde ondt
you have talked till it hurt
Der er divideret og ganget ud
Numbers have been divided and multiplied
der er lagt sammen og trukket fra
added to and subtracted
du stod bare der med din røde tud
you stood there with your red nose
og du får aldrig noget svar
and you never get any answer
Der var kun ham med det skæve slips
it was just him with the wonky tie
og samme skjorte som i fjor
and the same shirt as previous year
der grinte smøret over den samme vits
who laughed inanely at the same joke
om at komme igen til næste år
about coming back next year
Menneske verdens velfærd stig'r
The wealth of the human world is on the rise
problemer ka jo altid druknes i papir
problems can always be drowned in red tape
tror du man hører hva' du si'r?
do you think anyone is listening to anything you have to say?
Nej, for hvis du tror du er nog't
No, because if you think you're anything
så er der noget du har misforstået
then there is something you have misunderstood
Og hvis du tror du kommer over gærdet
and if you think you will get across the fence
så er det også helt hen i vejret
then that is totally absurd
Du blev fyret fra dit job
you were made redundant
akkorden var ikke slidet værd
the target was not worth the bother
du råbte højt og sagde stop
you shouted out loud and said stop
de andre syntes du var lidt sær
everyone else thought you were a bit weird
Du blev kaldt op til direktøren
you were called up to see the boss
fik lov at tænde hans cigar
allowed to light his cigar
også han fik hele smøren
told him the full story
var vældig flink og mægtig rar
he was enormously nice and very polite
Han ku godt se der var et problem
He could see where the problem lay
det ligger nu engang lidt svært når man kommer fra landet
this being a somewhat difficult thing to do when you come from the country
men med din krop og så pæne ben
but with your body and such nice legs
ku han sagtens skaffe dig noget andet
He would easily be able to get you another job
Kvinde er du bange
woman, are you afraid?
du ku gøre meget mer'
you could do so much more
men du går stadigvæk derhjemme
but you are still at home
og vasker op og skifter bleer
doing dishes and changing nappies
tror du man hører hva du si'r?
do you think anyone is listening to anything you have to say?
Nej, for hvis du tror du er noget
No, because if you think you are somebody
så er der noget du har misforstået
then there is something you have misunderstood
Og hvis du tror du kommer over gærdet
and if you think you will get across the fence
så er det også helt hen i vejret
then that is totally absurd
Så var det du mødte flinke Ejnar
then you happened to meet nice Ejnar
på en bar i slumkvarteret
in a bar in the slums
han sa' han mangled' lidt klejner
He said he was short of a few bob
og trængte til at bli' barberet
and needed a shave
Han sa' han elsked' dig og alt det dyre
He said he loved you and all expensive stuff
han stjal din lejlighed med et grin
He stole your flat with a grin
for hans sagfører fik lidt mere i hyre
because he paid his lawyer a bit more
end du ku betale din
then you could pay yours
Så er de finder dig her på gaden
so here they find you on the streets
de si'r du dumpede med glans
they say you failed with flying colours
du så det hele bag facaden
you saw it all behind the facade
og nu er du på vej til Sankte Hans
and now you are on your way to Saint Hans
Det er der man skal forhindre
where they are going to prevent
du finder ud af du' normal
finding out if you are normal
og sku det endelig ske
and should that happen
så ta' en tur fra femte sal
then take a jump from the fifth floor
så ska du nok bli' gal
then you will go insane
For hvis du tror du er noget
Because if you think you are someone
så er der noget du har misforstået
then there is something you have misunderstood
og hvis du tror du kommer over gærdet
and if you think you will get across the fence
så er det også helt hen i vejret.
then that is totally absurd
For hvis du tror du er noget
Because if you think you are someone
så er der noget du har misforstået
then there is something you have misunderstood
og hvis du tror du kommer over gærdet
and if you think you will get across the fence
så er det også helt hen i vejret.
then that is totally absurd