Santa RM Cuidala Bien english translation
Feat SmokySanta RM Cuidala Bien song lyrics
Santa RM Cuidala Bien translation
Esta es una historia entre dos amigos
This is a history between two friends
Dos amigos que se conocen de toda la vida
Two friends, they know each other from thier all life
y un día se dejan de ver
And one they stop talking
se dejan de ver por un largo tiempo
The leave to see for a long time
se dejan de ver hasta el día de hoy
They don't talk until today
Hola amigo, ¿cómo te va?
Hello my friend, How are doing?
¿Cómo has estado?
How have you been?
Tengo que contarte que me he enamorado.
I need to tell you that i have fallen in love
Y que quizás y no sea lo correcto pero la amo y que se lo recuerdo a diario cuando
Maybe it wasn't the correct thing but i love her, and im always telling her when
la llamo.
i call
La gente nos mira raro es difícil
People look at us weird, its hard
que acepten esta relación en esta situación tan frágil
To them to accept this relationship in this fragile situation
pero que puedo hacer, el corazón no escucha
But what can I do, my heath never listeng
solo se aferra a ella y por ella lucha
Just want her and fight for her
yo sé que tú lo entiendes
I know you understand me
te juro que la cuido bien
I swear i take care of her
Tú me dijiste como se le trata a una mujer
You show me how to treat a woman
y por ti yo haría todo, tú lo sabes
For you i'll do everything, you know
eres mi amigo del alma
You are my soul friend
somos carnales
We are homies
no te preocupes por ella que yo aquí estoy
Don't worry for her, i'm here
el amor que tú le dabas a diario yo se lo doy
That love that you showed her daily, I'm showing it too
yo le diré cuanto lo amabas
I'll tell her how much you loved her
es la mujer perfecta, sé que no te equivocabas
She is the perfect woman, you weren't wrong
Que no te importe lo que diga la gente,
Don't worry about what people thinks
ustedes rondan siempre mi mente
Your guys are always in my mind
solo hay que aceptar el presente
Only accept the present
y no quiero que le vayas a fallar
Please don't fail her
como una vez yo le fallé.
How I did
Solamente amigo te pido...
Friend I just wants to say
Cuídala bien
Take care of her
Aquel día que te fuiste me tomaste de la mano
That day you left, you took me by the hand
Y me dijiste que nuestra amistad era más que de hermanos
And you told me that our friendship was more than brothers
me dijiste que la amabas demasiado y que dejarla es lo peor que te ha pasado
You told me that you loved her alot and that leaving her is the worst thing that has ever happened
que es hermosa
That she is beautiful
que es un ángel del cielo
That she is an agel fallen from the sky
que es inigualable hasta el olor de su cabello
Is unmatched even the smell of her hair
tienes razón ella es perfecta
You are right she is perfect
te querías casar con ella lo sé, es la predilecta y...
You wanted to marry her I know, she's is favorite and ...
me dijiste que yo la cuidara
Yoy told me I take care of her
que no dejara que nadie la dañara
That I don't leave anybody hurt her
que nadie la traicionara
And cheat on her
no pienso decepcionarte porque la amo demasiado
I won't let you down, because I love her
(curaré sus heridas ahí estaré a su lado)
(I'll heal your wounds, I'll be by your side)
a los dos nos duele que te hayas marchado
We're both hurt because you left
eso nos une más
That unites us more
siempre estaré a su lado
I will always be with her
ve con Dios amigo
Go with God my friend
que yo la cuidaré
I'll take care of her
descansa en paz
Rest in peace
te extrañaré
I'll miss you
Que no te importe lo que diga la gente, ustedes rondan siempre mi mente
Don't worry about what people thinks, you guys are always on my mind
solo hay que aceptar el presente,
Only accept the present
y no quiero que le vayas a fallar
Please don't fail her
como una vez yo le fallé.
How I did
Solamente amigo te pido...
Friend I just wants to say
Cuídala bien
Take care of her
No debo de preocuparme
I haven't to worry
su futuro esta en tus manos
Her future it'd on your hands
debo aceptar que no estaré para decirle que la amo
I need to know that I won't be there to tell her "i love you"
ella se quedará contigo
She will stayed with you
que no te tome de consuelo
That she doesn't take you of consolation
los bendigo mi amigo desde el cielo
I bless you my friend, from the sky