Saliva Unshatter Me song lyrics

Saliva Unshatter Me song lyrics
Drag a little pieces of a love you took from us
Scatter like the ashes of my heart
you burnt to dust
Broken doesn't come close
till how you left me when you let go

When you're away
When you're gone
I'm alone, I'm afraid, I'm a ghost
With no one at all but me
Keep talking to the voices in my head
Lying with the demons in my bed
When you used to be
Unshatter me (2)

Kneel down and pull me back together
fix me like before
You cross me when you touch me
then I spill out on the floor

Broken doesn't come close
till how you left me when you let go

When you're away
When you're gone
I'm alone, I'm afraid, I'm a ghost
With no one at all but me
Keep talking to the voices in my head
Lying with the demons in my bed
When you used to be
Unshatter me (2)
