Ruby Buna, Ce Mai Zici? english translation
Feat Dorian PopaRuby Buna, Ce Mai Zici? song lyrics
Ruby Buna, Ce Mai Zici? translation
Raspunsuri prea putine, prea multe intrebari
Too few answers, too many questions,
Prea multe stari si inca ne pasa de urmari
Too many moods and we still care about the consequences,
Prea multe filme diferite
Too many different situations,
Prea multe clipe si inimile noastre, prea des lovite
Too many moments and our hearts too often hurt.
Ca azi e dragoste, maine-i razboi
'cause today it's love, tomorrow it's war
Si, in cazul nostru, unu' plus unu' nu mai fac de mult doi
And for us, one plus one no longer equals two,
Noi faceam sa para asa simplu
We used to make it seem so simple,
Dar tu ai complicat totul cu timpul
But in time you had complicated everything.
Si am incercat, fara rezultat
And I tried but with no success,
Parea complicat, tu mereu ocupat
It seemed complicated, you were always busy
Si tot ce stiu e ca e prea tarziu
And all I know is that it's too late
Acum sa-ti para rau
Now for you to be sorry.
Buna, ce mai zici
Hello, how are you?
De ce nu esti aici
Why aren't you here?
Mi-ai lasat doar cicatrici
You've left only scars
Pe suflet
On my soul.
De ce nu te mai implici
Why don't you care anymore?
M-ai lasat plina de frici
You've made me feel so afraid,
Au ramas doar cicatrici
All that's left are only scars
Pe suflet
On my soul.
Ca-s cicatrici sau rani adanci, spune-le cum vrei
Whether they're scars or deep wounds, call them whatever you want to,
Ca eu n-am somn si ca tu plangi si e trecut de trei
'cause I can't sleep and you're crying and it's 3 in the morning
Si ca te caut si prin Regie, si prin Tei
And I'm looking for you in Regie and Tei*,
Da' azi nu te gasesc, cum te gaseam de obicei
But I can't find you today like I used to find you.
N-am tinut pasu'
I couldn't keep up
Si drama e ca Dama nu se mai pupa cu Asu'
And the drama is that the Queen no longer suits the Ace,
Si ceasu' imi spune iar ca e tarziu
And again my clock shows me it's too late
Prea multe cicatrici, da' sufletu-i pustiu
Too many scars, but the soul is empty.
Si am incercat, fara rezultat
And I tried but with no success,
Parea complicat, tu mereu ocupat
It seemed complicated, you were always busy
Si tot ce stiu e ca e prea tarziu
And all I know is that it's too late
Acum sa-ti para rau
Now for you to be sorry.
Buna, ce mai zici
Hello, how are you?
De ce nu esti aici
Why aren't you here?
Mi-ai lasat doar cicatrici
You've left only scars
Pe suflet
On my soul.
De ce nu te mai implici
Why don't you care anymore?
M-ai lasat plina de frici
You've made me feel so afraid,
Au ramas doar cicatrici
All that's left are only scars
Pe suflet
On my soul.
Noua vieti de-as fi avut, din toate
If I had had nine lives, in all of them
Ti-as fi dat inima mea, fara doar si poate
I would have given you my heart, there's no doubt about it,
Ca poate ai fi inteles cum sta treaba
'cause maybe this way you would have understood how things go
Si intr-a noua viata nu te mai iubeam degeaba
And in my nineth life I wouldn't have loved you in vain
Am pus totul pe tava
I gave you everything
Si urmele tale incep sa se vada
And your marks are beginning to show,
Nu puteam sa tin pasul
I couldn't keep up,
Noi doi, nu cred ca mai e cazul
The two of us? I no longer think that's the case
Buna, ce mai zici
Hello, how are you?
De ce nu esti aici
Why aren't you here?
Mi-ai lasat doar cicatrici
You've left only scars
Pe suflet
On my soul.
De ce nu te mai implici
Why don't you care anymore?
M-ai lasat plina de frici
You've made me feel so afraid,
Au ramas doar cicatrici
All that's left are only scars
Pe suflet
On my soul.