Ray Dylan My Angel Face english translation

Ray Dylan My Angel Face song lyrics
Ray Dylan My Angel Face translation
Hoe bepaal mens die waarde?
How does one determine the value?
Miljoene mense op aarde.
Millions of people on earth.
En ek vind jou, geluk klop aan my deur.
And I think you luck knocking on my door.
Weet jy hoe hard ek al baklei het?
Do you know how hard I've been fighting?
En hoe die wêreld my verlei het.
And how the world has deceived me.
En toe kom jy, 'n wonderwerk gebeur.
And when you come, "a miracle.
My Angel-face, ek sal jou nooit verlaat.
My Angel-face, I'll never leave you.
Altyd jou hart in my hande dra.
Always carry your heart in my hands.
Glo my, my engel ek hoort by jou.
Believe me, my angel, I belong to you.
Belowe jou, ek's joune.
Promise you, I'm yours
My Angel-face as ons ons foto's kyk.
My Angel-face if we are watching our photo.
Die mooiste memories van ek en jy.
The most beautiful memories of you and me.
Dit maak nie saak wat die mense sê.
It does not matter what people say.
Ons liefde is, vir altyd.
Our love is forever.
Ek dink nou terug aan ons skooldae.
I think back now to our school days
'n Duisend kinders, duisend vrae.
A thousand children, a thousand questions.
Oor waar en hoe en wie's vir wie bedoel.
Where and how and who's who meant.
As jy maar weet hoe ek gewonder.
If you knew how I wondered.
Sou ek my lewe dalk ook sonder.
I would probably also my life without.
Daai iemand leef, wat weet nie hoe ek voel.
That man lives who do not know how I feel.
My Angel-face, ek sal jou nooit verlaat.
My Angel-face, I'll never leave you.
Altyd jou hart in my hande dra.
Always carry your heart in my hands.
Glo my, my engel ek hoort by jou.
Believe me, my angel, I belong to you.
Belowe jou, ek's joune.
Promise you, I'm yours
My Angel-face as ons ons foto's kyk.
My Angel-face if we are watching our photo.
Die mooiste memories van ek en jy.
The most beautiful memories of you and me.
Dit maak nie saak wat die mense sê.
It does not matter what people say.
Ons liefde is vir altyd.
Our love is forever.
My Angel-face, ek sal jou nooit verlaat.
My Angel-face, I'll never leave you.
Altyd jou hart in my hande dra.
Always carry your heart in my hands.
Glo my, my engel ek hoort by jou.
Believe me, my angel, I belong to you.