Random Encounters feat. Markiplier, MatPat & the Completionist How to Beat a Monkey at Chess song lyrics
Random Encounters feat. Markiplier, MatPat & the Completionist How to Beat a Monkey at Chess song lyrics
Mark: This piece takes my piece
but that piece then takes mine.
I can't lose my rook while
I'm lagging way behind.
I'll play safe, and wait for
an opportunity.
I won't let that cheeky monkey make a monkey out of me.
MatPat: Wait, mark! Don't take it!
That monkey's set a trap!
Mark: He wants me to take it?
MatPat: He thinks you're quite a sap.
But check out, this bishop!
you'll take his piece for FREE! Mark: And tha monkey's got no chance to make a monkey out of me.
Jarard (name may not be correct): Let's set a gambit! We'll take him by surprise!
Matpat: not really an option...
Mark: He took, like, half my guys.
Jarard: Let's bring in the big guns and force his king to flee-
Mark: So, that monkey doesn't further make a monkey out of me!
AJ: (random... monkey... noises... yeah)
MatPat: One of these pieces-
AJ: has got to do the trick!
Jarard: But how can we beat him?
Mark: I'd recommend a stick...
Jarard: It's crazy-
AJ: Bananas-
MatPat: Insane!
Mark: completely nuts...!
Jarard: But I think we made a monkey out of-
MatPat: comepletely made a monkey out of-
AJ: We finally didn't let a monkey
All: make a monkey out of us...!