Randi Calc Pe Suflete english translation
Randi Calc Pe Suflete song lyrics
Randi Calc Pe Suflete translation
Zic "Alo, alo", dar inima-mi da ocupat,
I'm saying "Hello, hello" but my heart is giving me a busy tone
Nu vrea sa fie parte din ce s-a-ntamplat,
It doesn't want to be part of what happened
Perne pline de vina, ea intinsa-n pat,
Pillows filled with guilt, she's laying in bed
Si mie imi vine cu mine insumi sa ma bat...
And I wanna fight myself
Stiu, gandul ca sunt cu alta,
I know, the tought that I'm with another lady
Iti rupe-n doua inima,
Breaks your heart
Si nu stiu cum mai poti ierta,
And I don't know how can you forgive me
E dureroasa strofa mea...
My verse is painful
Si nu-nteleg, nu stiu de ce,
And I don't understand, I don't know why
Iar gresesc si calc pe suflete,
I fail again and I step on souls
Cand tu vrei doar, doar dragoste,
When all that you want is love
Eu iti dau in schimb doar durere...
I give you just pain Instead
Si nu stiu cum pot sa uit de noi, ocazional,
And I don't know how I can forget us occasionally
Si ma-ntorc acasa simtindu-ma ca un criminal,
And I'm coming home feeling like a murder
Tu tipi, eu tac, si parca vrei din nou sa ierti,
You're yelling, I shut up and it seems like you want to forgive again
Cand eu sper sa dai cu inima mea de pereti.
While I hope that you will fight my heart
Pare ca mi-e rau cand ma gandesc,
I'm sorry when I think
Orice fac, iar te ranesc,
Whatever I do, I hurt you
Si nu stiu cum mai poti ierta,
And I don't know how can you forgive me
As vrea sa am puterea ta...
I wish I had you strength..
Si nu-nteleg, nu stiu de ce,
And I don't understand, I don't know why
Iar gresesc si calc pe suflete,
I fail again and I step on souls
Cand tu vrei doar, doar dragoste,
When all that you want is love
Eu iti dau in schimb doar durere...
I give you just pain Instead
Sunt pierdut, dar stiu ca simti ca te iubesc,
I'm lost, but I know you fell I love you
As vrea sa-ti spun, dar parca nu mai indraznesc,
I wish I could tell you, but I don't dare
Simt c-o sa pleci si gandul ma face sa tremur,
I feel you're gonna leave and this thought makes me shiver
Si fug spre casa, am in suflet un cutremur...
And I'm running home, I have an earthquake in my soul
Si nu-nteleg, nu stiu de ce,
And I don't understand, I don't know why
Iar gresesc si calc pe suflete,
I fail again and I step on souls
Cand tu vrei doar, doar dragoste,
When all that you want is love
Eu iti dau in schimb doar durere...
I give you just pain Instead