Melendi Quítate las Gafas english translation
Melendi Quítate las Gafas song lyrics
Melendi Quítate las Gafas translation
En los vértices del tiempo, donde muere la razón
In the vertexes of time, when the reason dies
Deberíamos amarnos, pero no.
we should love each other, but no.
Preferimos pelearnos por no mezclar los colores
We prefer fight for don't mix the colors.
Clases, credos, pensamientos, religiones.
Classes, faiths, thoughts, religions.
Qué me importa, a quién le rezas
What do I care about who you pray
O qué santos te bendicen.
Or which saints bless you.
Yo tan solo veo las flores
I just see the flowers
No el color de sus raíces.
don't the color of their roots.
Hoy el cielo, en mi lucha, es quitarme para siempre
Today, Heaven in my fight, is take off forever
Esas gafas que se usan, para convertir en gente a
Those glasses they wear to convert people to
cada persona que ves
every person you see.
Si decido llamar raro al diferente
If I decide to call "weirdo" to the different one
es porque no me quiero ver.
is because I don't wanna see myself.
No haré caso al pensamiento, me limitaré a escuchar.
I won't mind the thoughts, I'll limit to listen.
Todos sus sucios intentos de juzgarte.
All the dirty tries to judge you.
Todas sus quejas e insultos, las convertiré en indultos.
All their complaints and insults, I'll turn them into compliments.
Simplemente porque no son realidad.
Just because they're not real.
Qué me importa, a quién le rezas
What do I care about who you pray
O qué santos te bendicen.
Or which saints bless you.
Yo tan solo veo las flores
I just see the flowers
No el color de sus raíces.
don't the color of their roots.
Hoy el cielo, en mi lucha, es quitarme para siempre
Today, Heaven in my fight, is take off forever
Esas gafas que se usan, para convertir en gente a
Those glasses they wear to convert people to
Cada persona que ves
every person you see.
Si decido llamar raro al diferente
If I decide to call "weirdo" to the different one
es porque no me quiero ver.
is because I don't wanna see myself.
Mi enemigo solo y simplemente es
My enemy only and merely is
el que no me deja ni reconocer
the one who doesn't let me recognize
Que tras la cortina de humo, vi consumo sideral
behind that smokescreen, I saw sidereal consumption.
No se puede ver en plano cenital.
It can't be seen in zenithal shot.
Qué me importa, a quién le rezas
What do I care about who you pray
O qué santos te bendicen.
Or which saints bless you.
Yo tan solo veo las flores
I just see the flowers
No el color de sus raíces.
don't the color of their roots.
Hoy el cielo, en mi lucha, es quitarme para siempre
Today, Heaven in my fight, is take off forever
Esas gafas que se usan, para convertir en gente a
Those glasses they wear to convert people to
Cada persona que ves
every person you see.
si decido llamar raro al diferente
If I decide to call "weirdo" to the different one
es porque no me quiero ver.
is because I don't wanna see myself.