Maudy Ayunda Bayangkan Rasakan english translation

Maudy Ayunda Bayangkan Rasakan song lyrics
Maudy Ayunda Bayangkan Rasakan translation
hadirmu ...
Your presence is just for a glance in my life
hanya sekilas di hidupku
Your presence is just for a glance in my life
namun meninggalkan luka
But leaves a wound
tak terhapus oleh waktu
That can't be erased by the time
tertawa ...
Laughing is just for calming my soul
hanya tuk tenangkan jiwa
Laughing is just for calming my soul
namun yang kurasa hampa
But what I feel is empty
semua hilang tak tersisa
All vanished, nothing remains

bayangkan ...
rasakan ...
bila semua berbalik kepadamu
If everything is turned back to you
bayangkan ...
rasakan ...
bila kelak kau yang jadi diriku
If someday you that will become me

terdiam ...
Being silent among the quietness of the night
ditengah heningnya malam
Being silent among the quietness of the night
mencoba tuk memaafkan
Trying to forgive and forget the sorrow
dan lupakan kesedihan
Trying to forgive and forget the sorrow
maaf ...
"Sorry" is so difficult for you to say
sangat sulit kau ucapkan
"Sorry" is so difficult for you to say
selalu ada pembenaran
There's always a justification about things
atas hal yang kau lakukan
that you've done

bayangkan ...
rasakan ...
bila semua berbalik kepadamu
If everything is turned back to you
bayangkan ...
rasakan ...
bila kelak kau yang jadi diriku
If someday you that will become me
Huuuu huuuu huuuu huuuu huuuu
huuuu huuuu huuuu huuuu huuuu

(Bayangkan) bayangkan diriku ...
[Imagine] Imagine me
(Rasakan) rasakan diriku
Feel…[feel me]
bila semua berbalik kepadamu
If everything is turned back to you
bayangkan dan rasakan
bila kelak nanti kau yang jadi di diriku
If someday later you that will become me
bayangkan ...
rasakan ...
(bila semua berbalik kepadamu)
If everything is turned back to you
bayangkan ...
rasakan ...
bila kelak kau yang jadi diriku
If someday you that will become me

hadirmu hanya sekilas di hidupku namun meninggalkan luka tak terhapus oleh waktu
Your presence is just for a glance in my life But leaves a wound That can't be erased by the time