Marvia Providence The Battle May Be Hard / Jesus Gone to Prepare / Heaven Is Betta Than This / When We Get to Glory Land / Better Days Are Coming / If I Could Just Make It In song lyrics

Marvia Providence The Battle May Be Hard / Jesus Gone to Prepare / Heaven Is Betta Than This / When We Get to Glory Land / Better Days Are Coming / If I Could Just Make It In song lyrics
The battle may be hard
And the conflict sore.
Though rocky the road as we travel along.
Hold on a little longer, take Jesus at His word.
He'll carry you through, right through to the Promise land.

Jesus gone to prepare a mansion for me.
Far, far away over the sea.
No sickness, no sorrow, no pain and no war.
Jesus gone to prepare a mansion for me.

Heaven is better than this, oh what joy and bliss.
Walk those streets of shining gold,
In that land, we'll never grow old.
Heaven is better than this, oh what joy and bliss.
I love the preaching and the testimonies too,
But heaven is better than this.

When we get to glory land
As you hold me by His hand
United we'll be, so happy, so free
In the blessed land above,
Christ will tell of His love
What a glorious day when we get to glory land.

Better days are coming, by and by
When we reach that city in the sky
Sorrows will be over; joy will come at last,
Better days are coming by and by.

If I could just make it in (rept. 2 times)
The heavenly way.
I know the Lord is ever near me
Oh His arm will ever cheer me
I don't mind, mind the persecutions
If I could just make it in