Manu Chao La Vida Tombola english translation

Manu Chao La Vida Tombola song lyrics
Manu Chao La Vida Tombola translation
Si yo fuera Maradona viviría como él
If I were Maradona, I would live like him
Si yo fuera Maradona frente a cualquier portería
If I were Maradona in front of any goal
Si yo fuera Maradona nunca m'equivocaría
If I were Maradona, I would never be wrong
Si yo fuera Maradona perdido en cualquier lugar
If I were Maradona lost anywhere ...
La vida es una tómbola... de noche y de día...
life is a tombola by night by day
La vida es una tómbola y arriba y arriba...
life is a tombola ... and up and up
Si yo fuera Maradona viviría con él...
If I were Maradona I would live with him
Mil cohetes... mil amigos
A thousand rocket ... A thousand friends
Y lo que venga a mil por cien...
and what comes a thousand percent
Si yo fuera Maradona
If I were Maradona
Si yo fuera Maradona saldría en mondovision
IF I were Maradona i would go out in mondovision
Para gritarle a la FIFA
to shout at FIFA
¡Que ellos son el gran ladrón!
that's they are a great theaf
La vida es una tómbola... de noche y de día...
life is a tombola by night by day
La vida es una tómbola y arriba y arriba...
life is a tombola ... and up and up
Si yo fuera Maradona viviría como él
If I were Maradona, I would live like him
Porque el mundo es una bola
because the world is a ball
Que se vive a flor de piel
that you live to skin
Si yo fuera Maradona frente a cualquier porquería
IF I were Maradona in front of any crap
Nunca (¿siempre?) me equivocaría...
Never ( always ?) I would be wrong
Si yo fuera Maradona y un partido que ganar
If I were Maradona and match to win
Si yo fuera Maradona perdido en cualquier lugar...
If I were Maradona lost anywhere ...
La vida es una tómbola de noche y de día...
life is a tombola by night by day