Manel Benvolgut english translation
Manel Benvolgut song lyrics
Manel Benvolgut translation
Benvolgut, permet-me suposar
Dear Sir, allow me to presume
Que, malgrat que no haguem gaudit de presentació oficial,
even though we haven't been quite properly introduced
Més o menys, així com jo, estàs assabentat
that you know about me just as I know about you,
De la meva existència, de les coses que faig.
maybe just my name, one annoying fact or two.
Benvolgut, jo ho reconec, què hi faré, covard de mi,
Dear Sir, I must admit, oh hell, what can I do?
No és que siguis cada tarda el meu tema preferit,
You're not my cup of tea, I mean, hearing about you,
Vostres són les promeses que ningú ja complirà,
yours were the wildest dreams, which still make her feel a fool,
Vostres les nits que els telèfons no paraven de sonar.
yours the nights when the phone was all a constant ring.
Però sí que et vaig veient en discos que al final no et vas endur
But I still see you in CDs which you never took home,
I alguns quina meravella, i alguns que mai tindràs prou lluny,
and a few of them so cool, and others you won't miss.
Benvolgut, i en un somriure que fa sola caminant
Dear Sir, I still see you, in a quiet smile she makes
I en aquella foto antiga oblidada en un calaix:
and that picture in a crate, I pretend I haven't seen:
Heu parat una furgoneta aprofitant la vista privilegiada d'una ciutat.
the two of you, so young and strong, next to a van, while the view of Paris or Budapest lays behind
Tu assenyales l'absis romànic d'una catedral i sou joves i forts!
you are pointing to the camera wearing a defiant smile
I sentiu l'eternitat al vostre davant!
and you feel you are eternal somehow
I, benvolgut, ni sospiteu que gent com jo
and you ignore that I exist and that I am
Estem esperant.
just waiting my time.
I que simpàtics que se us veu, i quin mal devia fer,
Oh well but you two look so nice, and it must have hurt so much,
I m'ho imagino -o ho intento- i t'asseguro que comprenc
and I guess well no, I know, believe me I understand
Que encara avui, sense remei, tot trontolli un segon
that maybe even now, you feel you crumble down
Quan un amic, amb bona fe, pronuncia el vostre nom.
for a sec if an old friend says the name that you both shared.
Però vull pensar que tot va bé i que no enyores aquells temps,
But now I hope everything's fine, and you don't really miss those times,
Que fins i tot en recordar no saps per què però estàs content
and whenever you look back it's so over you can smile,
I vas veient coses pel món que t'estan agradant tant
and there's so many things around, and you're having so much fun,
I agraeixes que entre els dos em féssiu créixer amagat.
that you feel grateful that I grew hidden in your petty lies
Amagat en mentidetes, en dubtes emprenyadors,
hidden in an awkward look, behind annoying doubts
En cada intuïció fugaç d'una vida millor,
and every sudden intuition, "could there be much more to life?"
Amagat en "som molt joves per tenir res massa clar",
hidden in "we're still too young and we can't make up our minds"
Amagat en "no sé què és, però, nena, no puc respirar".
hidden in "I don't know why but I feel trapped and want to die".
Ai, benvolgut, que estrany si un dia et van fer mal
Dear Sir, how weird to think it hurt so much
El meu amor, la meva sort, les meves mans
for you to know my name, my fate, my hands, my touch
O el meu dit resseguint-li la columna vertebral!
or my fingers gently running down down her spine.
Benvolgut, que ha arribat i es vol quedar!
Dear Sir, I am sorry I arrived, and took your place
Ai aquests dits, no són senzills, de gent com jo
but one fine day, you'll understand
Que estava esperant.
I waited my time.
Benvolgut, ho deixo aquí, que sé que ets un home ocupat.
Dear Sir, I must conclude, I know you are a busy man.
Suposo que és moment d'acomiadar-me esperant
I just have to say goodbye and that I am much obliged,
No haver-te emprenyat massa, no haver semblat un boig,
I hope you're not too cross, I hope you don't think I'm nuts,
Que la força ens acompanyi, adéu, fins sempre, sort!
may the force be with us, farewell, adieu, goodbye.
Per si un dia ens creuem ja em disculpo, que em conec,
If we ever cross paths, my apologies from now,
Faré d'home seriós, esperaré darrere dret
I'll look like a serious man, wait while you two catch up,
Mentre tu li fas brometa, "veig que ara els busques alts",
I'll pretend not to be hearing, your joke about my height
Mentre tu et reivindiques com molt més elegant.
or how you justify that your style is oh so smart.
Farem adéu i marxarem i ella em dirà que t'ha vist vell
We'll wave goodbye and walk away, and she will say you have grey hairs
I, pas a pas, ja estaràs tan lluny
and step by step, we'll leave you behind
Com el cretí que abans d'entrar a Història li tocava el cul
just like the scamp who stayed in the corridor to slap her bum
Arrambant-la contra els arbres del costat d'un institut.
and used to kiss her in the bushes at the back door of the school
Ai, pobrets meus, com s'haguessin espantat,
oh poor fools, what a shock it would have been
Si entre els matolls, sortim tu i jo dient
if you and I had jumped out and said: "oh hi,
"ei, aquí els senyors, estem esperant.
we're waiting our time.
Xicots, aneu fent lloc,
Make some space for us
Que estem esperant".
'cos we're waiting our time."