M Nasir Hati Emas english translation
M Nasir Hati Emas song lyrics
M Nasir Hati Emas translation
Berjalan di tanah gersang
Walking in the arid land
Mentari mencengkam dada
the sun is gripping the chest
Debu-debu di jalanan
dust on the streets
Menjadi teman setia
become a loyal friend
Tiada lain tujuanku
No else my aim
Hati emas yang ku cari
but golden heart that I look for
Kisahnya di hujung dunia
the story at the end of the world
Mengapa tak ku temui
why couldn't I find it
Oh! Terdengar suara halus
Oh! heard that fine voice
Bagai dengar dan menghilang
like I heard and then it disappeared
Katanya pulanglah oh anakku
it said go home o my child
Ia tiada di sini
it's not here
Puas sudah ku mengembara
Enough already I'd travelled
Ke mana perginya oh cahaya
where to, does light goes oh
Mencari hati emas bukannya mudah
Looking for golden heart is not easy
Di masa kini adakah kau peduli
At this time do you even care
Mungkinkah dikau miliki
Perhaps you do have
Hati emas murni suci
the pure sacred golden heart
Inginku menjadi sahabatmu
I wish to be your friend
Hingga akhir hayat nanti
till the end of my life
Puas sudah ku mengembara
Enough already I'd travelled
Ke mana perginya oh cahaya
where to, does light goes oh
Mencari hati emas bukannya mudah
Looking for golden heart is not easy
Mungkin selamanya takkan aku temui
Perhaps forever I couldn't find it