Luce Twinkle Wink☆ 1st Love Story english translation
Luce Twinkle Wink☆ 1st Love Story song lyrics
Luce Twinkle Wink☆ 1st Love Story translation
ダーリン I love you
Darling I Love You
毎日がキラキラ 輝き出すよ
Every day just shines so brightly
永遠それ以上 希望
I hope this will go on for an eternity...
続きますよう 1st Love Story
And beyond my 1st love
君のことを 想うたびに自動的 笑っちゃうから
Whenever I think about you, I end up smiling automatically
バレないよう 前髪の陰ちょっと隠れた
To keep you from noticing, i had to hide it beneath the shadow of my bangs
ずっと憧れていた トキメキが
that feeling i've always yearned for
胸の中降りてきて ずっと騒がしいよ
has touched my heart - now it's totally restless!
青い空 伸びてゆくヒコーキ雲みたいにね
Just like a contrail drawn across the blue sky
急上昇してく 1秒ごとの幸福度
the degree of my happines rises rapidly each second!
普通の 毎日がキラキラ 輝き出すよ
these ordinary days begin to shine so bright
永遠それ以上 希望
I hope this will go on for an eternity...
続きますよう 1st Love Story
And beyond my 1st love
文字だったら ピンクのハートもLoveも送れるのに
If it's via text, i can always send you a pink heart, or use the word "Love"
会えばいつも 思った半分さえも言えない
but when we meet in person, i can't even manage to say half of what i'm thinking
ふいに 素っ気ない風みえるのも
you sometimes act so cold out of nowhere...
同じように照れてる? そう信じているよ
is it beacuse you feel the same way? that's what i believe
太陽がささやいて つぼみ揺り起こすように
As if the sun were whispering, gently trying to awaken the flower buds,
染み込んでいくよ 恋をしてる充実度
this fulfillment of being in love begins to seep through me
見慣れた 街並みもカラフル 色づいていく
the city i've grouwn so used to seeing is suddenly starting to fill with color
永遠それ以上 希望
I hope this will go on for an eternity...
終わりは来ない きっと
and beyond, surely never reaching it's end
一日中 24時間もベイビー
all 24 hours, each and every day...
頭を離れない! My sweet darling
you never leave my mind, my sweet darling
キミの手の温かさ その声響くよずっと
the warmth of your hand.. your voice ringing endlessly
寝ても醒めてても 夢の中いるみたい
whether asleep or awake, it's like i'm within a dream!
お願い!消えないで 私のとなり歩いて
Please! Don't fade away... Just walk by my side!
守って欲しいの いつもどんな時でも ダーリン!
I want you to protect me - always and forever, darling!
永遠それ以上 希望
I hope this will go on for an eternity...
続きますよう 1st Love Story
And beyond my 1st love