Los Totora Márchate ahora english translation
Los Totora Márchate ahora song lyrics
Los Totora Márchate ahora translation
Procure en otro brazos, sentir tu calor.
I tried to feel in another arms your heat
Intente en otras bocas, sentir tu sabor.
I tried to feel in another's mouth your taste
Me invente en otros cuerpos, tocando tu piel.
I projected my on another body touching your skin
Y yo se muy bien, no te olvidare.
And I know well that I won't forget you
El amor es asi
The love is at that way
Llega de repente y nos va haciendo confundir.
It appears suddenly and it make us get confused
Te has grabado en mi
You've been engraved on me
no sales de mi mente y siento que voy a morir.
You don't get out of my mind and I feel that I will die
Marchate ahora
Get out now
borra los recuerdo que quedaron de los dos
Delete our remembers
Estaras sola
You will be alone
te arrepentiras al darte cuenta que no estoy.
you will be so sad when you know that I'm not here.
Olvida todo
Forget all
sigue tu camino sin pensar que un dia fui, el amor de tu vida.
Keep on you way without thinking that one day I was your life's love
Cruza esa puerta
Get into that door
que es como si todo fuera solo una ilusion.
that it is like if all is an illusion
No te des vuelta
Don't get back
mata el sentimiento y ve detras de otra pasion.
kill your feeling and go by other passion
Olvida todo
Forget all
prometo no llorar y no intentarte convencer
I promise you to don't cry and I won't treat you
que un dia, yo te ame.
that one day, I loved you
Procure en otro brazos, sentir tu calor.
I tried to feel in another arms your heat
Intente en otras bocas, sentir tu sabor.
I tried to feel in another's mouth your taste
Me invente en otros cuerpos, tocando tu piel.
I projected my on another body touching your skin
Y yo se muy bien, no te olvidare.
And I know well that I won't forget you
El amor es asi
The love is at that way
Llega de repente y nos va haciendo confundir.
It appears suddenly and it make us get confused
Te has grabado en mi
You've been engraved on me
no sales de mi mente y siento que voy a morir.
You don't get out of my mind and I feel that I will die
Marchate ahora
Get out now
borra los recuerdo que quedaron de los dos
Delete our remembers
Estaras sola
You will be alone
te arrepentiras al darte cuenta que no estoy.
you will be so sad when you know that I'm not here.
Olvida todo
Forget all
sigue tu camino sin pensar que un dia fui, el amor de tu vida.
Keep on you way without thinking that one day I was your life's love
Cruza esa puerta
Get into that door
que es como si todo fuera solo una ilusion.
that it is like if all is an illusion
No te des vuelta
Don't get back
mata el sentimiento y ve detras de otra pasion.
kill your feeling and go by other passion
Olvida todo
Forget all
prometo no llorar y no intentarte convencer
I promise you to don't cry and I won't treat you
que un dia, yo te ame.
that one day, I loved you
Marchate ahora
Get out now
borra los recuerdo que quedaron de los dos
Delete our remembers
Estaras sola
You will be alone
te arrepentiras al darte cuenta que no estoy.
you will be so sad when you know that I'm not here.
Olvida todo
Forget all
sigue tu camino sin pensar que un dia fui, el amor de tu vida.
Keep on you way without thinking that one day I was your life's love
Cruza esa puerta
Get into that door
que es como si todo fuera solo una ilusion.
that it is like if all is an illusion
No te des vuelta
Don't get back
mata el sentimiento y ve detras de otra pasion.
kill your feeling and go by other passion
Olvida todo
Forget all
prometo no llorar y no intentarte convencer
I promise you to don't cry and I won't treat you
que un dia yo te ame.
that one day, I loved you