Loredana feat. Nadir Te iubesc english translation
Loredana feat. Nadir Te iubesc song lyrics
Loredana feat. Nadir Te iubesc translation
Eu n-am superputeri
i don't have superpowers
Nu am strans averi
i didn' earn a fortune
Nu vreau sa fiu bogat
i don't want to be rich
La Londra sau Paris
in London or Paris
Ne-am dus doar in vis
we went only in our dream
C-un avion privat
with a private plane
Noi, printi si cersetori
we, princes and beggars
Nu avem comori
we don't have fortunes
Dar avem doua cuvinte
we just have two words
Am sa ti le spun
i will tell them to you
Mereu ca un nebun
always like a fool
Si am o rugaminte
and i have a request
Tine minte acele cuvinte
remember those words
Cele mai scumpe de pe Pamant
the most expensive in the world
Sentimente adevarate, nu diamante
real feelings, not diamonds
Cuvintele sunt: Te iubesc
the words are: i love you
Spui ca nu esti bogat
you say you are not rich
Cum de ai un palat
how do you have a castle
In sufletul meu
in my heart
Pe usa lui am scris
on his dorr i've wirtten
Hai, intra, e deschis
enter, it's open
Asa va fi mereu
and it will always be
Si printi, si cersetori
and the prices and the beggers
Noi nu avem comori
we dont' have any fortune
Dar avem doua cuvinte
we just have two words
Am sa ti le spun
i will tell them to you
Mereu ca un nebun
always like a fool
Si am o rugaminte
and i have a request
Tine minte acele cuvinte
remember those words
Cele mai scumpe de pe Pamant
the most expensive in the world
Sentimente adevarate, nu diamante
real feelings, not diamonds
Cuvintele sunt: Te iubesc
the words are: i love you
Noi doi si-o bicicleta
us and a bike
Prin lume, ca o racheta
over the world, like a rochet
Tu spui ca visez
you say that i'm dreaming
Dar eu tot pedalez
but i continue to pedal
Soarele si luna
the sun and the moon
Rad cu noi intr-una
always laugh with us
Nu cred ca visez
i don't think i'm dreaming
Vad ce si tu vezi
i see what you see
Tine minte acele cuvinte
remember those words
Cele mai scumpe de pe Pamant
the most expensive in the world
Sentimente adevarate, nu diamante
real feelings, not diamonds
Cuvintele sunt: Te iubesc
the words are: i love you
Tine minte acele cuvinte
remember those words
Cele mai scumpe de pe Pamant
the most expensive in the world
Sentimente adevarate, nu diamante
real feelings, not diamonds
Cuvintele sunt: Te iubesc
the words are: i love you