Linked Horizon 彼女は冷たい棺の中で english translation
Linked Horizon 彼女は冷たい棺の中で song lyrics
Linked Horizon 彼女は冷たい棺の中で translation
What is Freedom?
And to who does life belong to?
小難しく… 考えずに….
You don't think about such complicated things...
You simply charge straight ahead...
あんたが少し… 羨ましかったよ……
And I... was a little jealous of you...
人が人を殺すのに 例えばどんな
What moral causes do we need
to justify one human murdering another?
If we simply label our enemies as demons worthy of death,
Do we really feel no remorse in our hearts?
こんな筈じゃなかった… 仕方がなかった…
It was never supposed to be like this... I didn't have a say in the matter...
言い訳をしたところで あんたらは決して赦しはしないだろ?…
Even if I tried to make excuses, I don't expect any of you to forgive me, right?
嗚呼… 悪は滅びようと… 自業自得だと…
Ah... "Evil must perish, and you reap what you sow..."
言い張る心算はないが 私はやるしかなかったんだ……
I don't mean to insist, but I simply had to do it...
自由を掴み取る… 未来があるとしたら…
If there was a future for me... Where freedom was within my grasp...
私は何を選ぶ… 今はまだ分からない…
What choices would I make...? I'm still not sure...
自分じゃ選べない… 不条理な世界だと…
But in this absurd world... I'm not given a choice...
それでも闘ってきた… 配られた手札で…
But regardless, I still fought on... accepting the hand I was dealt.
父の… いや… 私の人生を
I won't let anyone say my Father's... no, my life...
間違っていたとは 誰にも言わせない!
Is full of mistakes!
Because my bet is just beginning right here, right now!
イデアの影は 寓意に現れて
The Shadows of ideas appear in allegory
巨人で編んだ 壁に揺れる
Flickering against a wall woven by Titans...
盲た民が 遠く騙られた
The subjects, blinded and deceived, traveled far,
故郷は遥か 海の彼方
Their hometown lying across the distant sea...
咎の緋に染まりながら 何も知らずに飛んで逝く
Stained in the Scarlet of Sin, they fly unknowingly to their deaths.
無数の影が地に落ちる 黄昏を呼び込んで……
Countless shadows plummet to the ground, calling dusk upon themselves...
弱い者 狡い者 水は低きに流れ落ち
Weak ones and Strong ones, water naturally flows downwards...
時は止まらず繰り返す 後悔にも似た《輪舞曲》(ロンド)を
Time continuously repeats itself to no end, a "Rondo" similar to Regret...
(兵士)にも成り切れず (戦士)にも成り損ね
I could never become a Soldier, and was far from being a Warrior
壁の彼方へ駆けだした 私は何処へ帰ればいい?
Now that I've taken off beyond the walls, where could I return to?
自由を夢見ても… 現実が絡みつく…
I can dream of my Freedom, but the chains of reality tie my down...
屍を積み重ね… それでも空に届かない…
Even when I climb the mountain of piled up corpses, I'm still far from reaching the sky...
伸ばした指の先に… 閃く刃の痛み…
I reach out my fingers... and feel the sharp pain of slashing blades...
何ひとつ掴めぬまま… 奈落へと墜ちてゆく…
Without a single thing in my grasp, I fall towards hell...
父の… いや… 私の人生は
Was my Father's... no, my life...
間違っていたのか 誰にも判らない…
full of mistakes? Nobody knows...
冷たい… 棺の…中で… 見た夢を…
I had a dream... from within... a cold coffin...
何時の日にか… あんたにも… 話す時が… 来るだろうか?
Will there ever come a day... when I... tell you this dream...?