Lestari Impian Abadi english translation
Lestari Impian Abadi song lyrics
Lestari Impian Abadi translation
hati kian resah di sambar kebimbangan
heart increasingly restless struck the doubt
walau harapan kan tiba
though hope arrives
bersamamu mencipta bahagia
with you create happy
sepi terlena di buai kemesraan
deserted lull in romance horse
pasti ada nya harapan
there must be hope
satu sudut di kamar impian
one corner in the dream room
bicara biar lah sejiwa
talk let it be soul
janji nya harus di kotakan
His appointment should be in the baldness
baru ada keyakinan rasa di antara kita walau gelora mengganggu jiwa walaupun berjauhan bersatu ingatan
there is only a feeling of confidence among us despite the surge of souls disturb even apart apart memories
pabila di sisi bersatu oh kasih
on the side of unity oh love
mesra lah selalu di alam nya cinta abadi jua citra cita hebat nya mesra
always intimate in his nature love eternal jua great image of his intimate intimate