Lefthanded Seruan english translation
Lefthanded Seruan song lyrics
Lefthanded Seruan translation
Gigil menggigil aku
Gigil shivered at me
Ku dengar suara kebesaran
I hear the sound of greatness
Terbangun dari tidurku
Woke up from my sleep
Suara azan berkumandang
The azan sounds reverberated
Terketar ketika itu
At that time
Manakah arah tujuanku
Which direction is my direction?
Berlinang air mataku
Berlin my tears
Menitis ke bumi penyesalan
Menitis to earth regrets
Garis panduan tiada ku hindari
Guidelines are not avoided
Ajal sentiasa tanpa kusedari
Ajal is always unused
Baru ku mengerti erti kehidupan
I just understood the meaning of life
Mengenal diri dalam kehidupan
Know yourself in life
Tiadalah aku
I do not have
Gigil menggigil aku
Gigil shivered at me
Ku dengar suara kebesaran
I hear the sound of greatness
Terbangun dari tidurku
Woke up from my sleep
Suara azan berkumandang
The azan sounds reverberated
Bawalah aku hampir kepadamu
Bring me closer to you
Jalan sebenar mengikut arahmu
The real road is in your direction
Ya Tuhanku
Oh my god
Ya Tuhanku
Oh my god
Ya Tuhanku
Oh my god
Ya Tuhanku
Oh my god
Ya Tuhanku
Oh my god
Ya Tuhanku
Oh my god