La Liga Entre Vos Yo y el Cielo english translation

La Liga Entre Vos Yo y el Cielo song lyrics
La Liga Entre Vos Yo y el Cielo translation
Me visitas de noche en mis sueños
You visit me at night in my dreams
vienes a mi, me abrazas, me despierto
You come to me, you hug me, I wake up
Donde estas que ya no puedo verte.
Where are you that I can't see you?
Pero sigues conmigo eternamente...
But you're still with me forever.

Aveces necesito tus palabras
Sometimes I need your words
Pero no puedo hablar con los recuerdos
But I can't talk with the memories
se me deshace toda la esperanza...
All hope is undone.
Y no logro entender tanta distancia.
And I can't understand the distance

Sabes que te extraño...
You know that I miss you.
Aveces me parece oir tu risa
Sometimes i seem to see you laughter
Dicen que en el cielo
They say that in the sky
Uno es feliz no existe la tristeza
One is happy, there is no sadness
Pienso en vos y miro las estrellas...
I think of you and I look the stars.
Pienso en vos y miro las estrellas...
I think of you and I look the stars.

Dejame que me quede en este dia
Let me stay on this day
suspendido en el aire de tu aroma
Suspended in the air of your aroma
que la vida me huele a hojas secas
that life smells like dry leaves to me
y es mas duro el invierno con tu ausencia
and the winter is harder with your absence

Llevame un solo instante a tu presencia
Take me a moment with your presence
que tu ausencia me duele intensidades
that your absence hurt me intensities
Quien hubiera pensado que te fueras
Who would have thought that you where gone
Cuando tu vida en flor era una fiesta
When your life in flower was a party

Sabes que te extraño...
You know that I miss you.
Aveces me parece oir tu risa
Sometimes i seem to see you laughter
Dicen que en el cielo
They say that in the sky
Uno es feliz no existe la tristeza
One is happy, there is no sadness
Pienso en vos y miro las estrellas...
I think of you and I look the stars.
Pienso en vos y miro las estrellas...
I think of you and I look the stars.