Kvelertak Heksebrann english translation

Kvelertak Heksebrann song lyrics
Kvelertak Heksebrann translation
I det iskalde nord
In the ice cold north
Forekom eit mystisk mord
a mysterious murder happened.
Absalon Beyer blei senka
Absalon Beyer was demised.
Befolkningen mistenkte enka
The people suspected the widow.
Kle kjettaren naken
Undress the heretic
og bind hu fast til staken
and tie her to the stake!
Hu lyste dei ut i bann
She banished them
mens hu gjekk opp i brann
while she was consumed by the flames.
Synden hennas forsvant
Her sin vanished
Då skamkjøtet lukta stramt
since her flesh nozzle reeked.
Med eit brev ifra kongen
With a letter from the king.
Kunne hu brygga flere flakonger
She could brew more flacons.
Hu kasta farleg sjukdom på ungar
She hurled deadly deceases unto kids
og talte kun med dødens tunga
and only spoke with tongues of the dead.
Kle kjettaren naken
Undress the heretic
og bind hu fast til staken
and tie her to the stake!
Hu lyste dei ut i bann
She banished them
mens hu gjekk opp i brann
while she was consumed by the flames.
Synden hennas forsvant
Her sin vanished
Då skamkjøtet lukta stramt
since her flesh nozzle reeked.
Med bulmeurten fullt utsprunge
The hyoscyamus niger was fully sprung.
Blei nettene så mørke og tunge
The nights became dark and unmanageable.
Ulykker på rekke og rad
Accidents, the one after the other.
Torden, brann og rein ondskap
Thunder, fires and pure evil.
Dei geistliges assosiasjoner
Associated with the supernatural
til helvete og dets demoner
of hell and its demons.
Bedratt av eigen tjenestejenta
Deceived by her own maiden.
Anne blei av djevelen henta
Anne was taken by the devil.
Hu lyste dei ut i bann
She banished them
mens hu gjekk opp i brann
while she was consumed by the flames.
Synden hennas forsvant
Her sin vanished
Då skamkjøtet lukta stramt
since her flesh nozzle reeked.
Hu lyste dei ut i bann
She banished them
mens hu gjekk opp i brann
while she was consumed by the flames.
Synden hennas forsvant
Her sin vanished
De fant ut at hu talte sant (for seint!)
They found out she told the truth (but it was too late!)