Kevin Roldan & Alexio Soltera english translation
Kevin Roldan & Alexio Soltera song lyrics
Kevin Roldan & Alexio Soltera translation
Soltera es la que hecha el condón dentro de la cartera
Single is the one that made the condom inside the wallet
Vea usted quien no lo ha hecho, no se va pa fuera
See who has not done it, do not go out
Que la discoteca esta hecha pal perreo, fumeteo, botelleo
That the disco is made for twerk, smoke and drink
Esta loca es soltera que calentaera
that crazy is single, what heater
Que quiere tomarse la botella entera
she wants to drink the whole bottle
Y voy a gastarle todo lo que quiera
And I'm going to spend everything she want
Quiero que sea mia, sea lo que sea
i want she's mine, whatever it is
La mujer maravilla…
the Wonder Woman
De amiga tiene una escuadrilla
As a friend, she has a squad
Les dicen el combo pesadilla
They say the nightmare combo
Tienen el corazón seco, vaciaron el amor por un juego
They have a dry heart, they emptied their love for a game
Te enamoran, te dejan los sentimientos chuecos
They fall in love with you, they leave you with crooked feelings
Kevin y yo estamos puesto pal problema
Kevin and I are putting pal problem
Bebe sabes cual es nuestro lema?
baby do you know what is our slogan?
La que pillemos, le derretimos el sistema
The one we caught, we melted the system
Y mañana nos textean poemas
and tomorrow we text poems
Soltera es la que hecha el condón en la cartera
Single is the one that made the condom inside the wallet
Y esta que no lo ha hecho, no se va pa fuera
And this one that has not done it, does not go out
Sigue con sus amigas comprando botellas
Follow with her friends buying bottles
Y yo la estoy chequeando desde las escaleras
And I'm checking it from the stairs
Hoy es noche de solteras
today is the night of single
Deja tu novio en su casa
let your boyfriend at his house
Y te me pones un vestido
And you put on a dress
Voy hacer de todo contigo
I'll do everything with you
Soltera es la que hecha el condón dentro de la cartera
Single is the one that made the condom inside the wallet
Vea usted quien no lo ha hecho, no se va pa fuera
See who has not done it, do not go out
Que la discoteca esta hecha pal perreo, fumeteo, botelleo
That the disco is made for twerk, smoke and drink
Esta loca es soltera que calentaera
that crazy is single, what heater
Que quiere tomarse la botella entera
she wants to drink the whole bottle
Y voy a gastarle todo lo que quiera
And I'm going to spend everything she want
Quiero que sea mia, sea lo que sea
i want she's mine, whatever it is
Kevin Roldan
kevin roldan
Tu estas sola y prescindiendo lo que va a pasar
You are alone and doing what is going to happen
Porque te vio la cara de loca
Because he saw you crazy face
El trago de la botella a la boca
The drink from the bottle to the mouth
Y una pastilla que la nota le explota
And a pill that the note exploits
Mami recuerda el lema, a la gata que pillemos
baby remembers the motto, the cat that we catch
Le derretimos el sistema bien duro le metemos
We melted the system very hard we put
Baby si tu eres soltera, si estas soltera
baby if you are single, if you are single
Alza la mano puedes hacer lo que quieras
Raise your hand you can do what you want
Ella esta ready, no tiene novio lo dejo en el sótano
She is ready, she has no boyfriend, I leave her in the basement
Me enloqueció cuando llego con ese culo bien nítido
It drove me crazy when I arrived with that nice sharp ass
Parece que se manda solo, pero yo se lo descontrolo
It seems that it is sent alone, but I do not know it
Esta sola en la pista moviendo eso
She's alone on the track moving that
Esta sola en la pista moviendo eso
She's alone on the track moving that
Esta sola en la pista moviendo eso
She's alone on the track moving that
Eso lo quiero pa mi
I want that for me
Soltera es la que hecha el condón dentro de la cartera
Single is the one that made the condom inside the wallet
Vea usted quien no lo ha hecho, no se va pa fuera
See who has not done it, do not go out
Que la discoteca esta hecha pal perreo, fumeteo, botelleo
That the disco is made for twerk, smoke and drink
Esta loca es soltera que calentaera
that crazy is single, what heater
Que quiere tomarse la botella entera
she wants to drink the whole bottle
Y voy a gastarle todo lo que quiera
And I'm going to spend everything she want
Quiero que sea mia, sea lo que sea
i want she's mine, whatever it is
Soltera es la que hecha el condón en la cartera
Single is the one that made the condom inside the wallet
Y esta que no lo ha hecho, no se va pa fuera
And this one that has not done it, does not go out
Sigue con sus amigas comprando botellas
Follow with her friends buying bottles
Y yo la estoy chequeando desde las escaleras
And I'm checking it from the stairs
Que calentaera, que esta soltera
Warm up, that she's single
Y me la voy a comer entera
And I'm going to eat her whole
Lo que hay es soltera
What is there is single
Rich Kid
rich kid
Kevin Roldan
kevin roldan
Kevin Roldan
kevin roldan
Alexio La Bruja
alexio the witch
La Bruja
the witch
No hay competencia baby
there is no competition baby
Dayme Beats
dayme beats
El High
the high
El High
the high
Dj Sog
dj sog
Number One Records
number one records
Kapital Music
capital music
Letra loka
lyrics loka
Jhonny boom boom
Johnny boom boom
Kevin Roldan Baby
kevin Roldan baby
Rich Kid
rich kid
Dile kevin
tell kevin
Que la solteras son de nosotros
That single women are from us
Y las casadas también
And the married ones also
Me entiende?
do you understand me?
Kevin Roldan, La Bruja, Alexio
kevin Roldan, the witch, alexio
Carbon Fiber Music
dumbas* fiber music