Kangen Band Nilailah Aku english translation
Kangen Band Nilailah Aku song lyrics
Kangen Band Nilailah Aku translation
Pacarku yang baik
My boyfriend is good
Dengarkanlah aku
Hear me
Janganlah engkau selalu
Do not you always
Marah-marah padaku
Angry at me
Pacarku yang baik
My boyfriend is good
Permintaan hati
Heart demand
Janganlah engkau selalu
Do not you always
Ingin menang sendiri
Want to win by yourself
Nilailah aku sesuka hatimu
Rate me as you please
Agar kau tak meninggalkan aku
So you do not leave me
Nilailah aku sesuka hatimu
Rate me as you please
Agar engkau tahu
So you know
Pacarku tolong dengarkan aku
My boyfriend please listen to me
Cintaku ya hanya untukmu
My love is just for you
Sampai nanti pun tak akan pernah selingkuh
Until later will never cheat
Cuma kamu lah semangat hidupku
Only you are the spirit of my life
Pacarku janganlah marah-marah lagi
My boyfriend do not get angry anymore
Ku berjanji ku akan tetap di sini
I promise I will stay here
Sampai mati engkau tak akan ku tinggali
To die you will not live
Ku temani sampai kau tua nanti
'll accompany you till you get old
Nilailah aku sesuka hatimu
Rate me as you please
Agar kau tak meninggalkan aku
So you do not leave me
Nilailah aku sesuka hatimu
Rate me as you please
Agar engkau tahu
So you know
Pacarku tolong dengarkan aku
My boyfriend please listen to me
Cintaku ya hanya untukmu
My love is just for you
Sampai nanti pun tak akan pernah selingkuh
Until later will never cheat
Cuma kamu lah semangat hidupku
Only you are the spirit of my life
Pacarku tolong dengarkan aku
My boyfriend please listen to me
Cintaku ya hanya untukmu
My love is just for you
Sampai nanti pun tak akan pernah selingkuh
Until later will never cheat
Cuma kamu lah semangat hidupku
Only you are the spirit of my life
Ku temani sampai kau tua nanti
'll accompany you till you get old
Ku temani sampai kau tua nanti
'll accompany you till you get old
Ku temani sampai kau tua nanti
'll accompany you till you get old