JOY. Weekend english translation

JOY. Weekend song lyrics
JOY. Weekend translation
Me gusta sentirme agua sentirme viento sentirme sol
I like to feel the wind feel feel sun water
Me gusta sentir que en cada pasito mio hay una cancion
I like to feel that in every step of mine there is a song
Me gusta lo que construyó y si me rompo me vuelvo a arreglar
I like what I built and if I break, I'll fix it again
Porque en estos años pocos me he dado cuenta que el tiempo es loco
Because in these few years I have realized that time is crazy
Y lo dejas te va a sanar
And you leave it will heal you

Hay días de soles grises
There are days of gray suns
Las nubes bailan
Clouds dance
Y hay que entender
And you have to understand
Que si todo va con risas
If everything goes with laughter
Se pone verde y va a florecer
It turns green and will bloom

De todo agarrate fuerte
From everything hold on tight
Y anda soltando que suena el agua y te va limpiando
And he goes on releasing the water and cleaning you
Y es buen remedio quererte bien
And it is a good remedy to love you well

De todo agarrate fuerte
From everything hold on tight
Y anda soltando que suena el agua y te va limpiando
And he goes on releasing the water and cleaning you
Y es buen remedio quererte bien
And it is a good remedy to love you well

Me gusta sentirme agua sentirme viento sentirme sol
I like to feel the wind feel feel sun water
Me gusta sentir que en cada pasito mío hay una canción
I like to feel that in every step of mine there is a song