Jane Bordeaux Erotication song lyrics

Jane Bordeaux Erotication song lyrics

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Your eyes are shifty
You focus on me
veins gettin sweaty
I like what your about

You isolate me
Rough touchin' gets me horny
you want to put it on me
mmm... and your so tasty
I'm foaming at the mouth

as I kneel before thee
brute force behind me
the taste is slightly salty
forced inside my pout

As you start the rammin'
Can't help but gasp and
you tell me that you'll have me
cause you like what I'm about

erotic chanting
arched and contorting
firm shafts exploding
makes my horizon stormy

hot writhing bodies
Undulate inside it
suck it hard them tightly
I'd like to ride my body
I think I'm ready
I think I'm ready
I think I'm ready
I know I'm ready

erotication... erotication... erotication...