Irina Rimes Da Ce' Tu english translation
Irina Rimes Da Ce' Tu song lyrics
Irina Rimes Da Ce' Tu translation
Da ce tu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Nu, nu, nu sunt asa cum arat.
No, no, I'm not the same way as I pretend to be
Sunt dependenta de momentul ala cand te vad.
I'm addicted to the moment when I see you.
Si controlez sa nu scap niciun sentiment.
And I'm trying not to lose any feelings.
Arat de fier, dar, de fapt, curg in mod latent.
I look strong, but in reality I'm flowing latently.
C-ai devenit vital ca un aliment.
You've become vital like food.
Si mi-ai intrat in structura ca un component.
And you have entered my structure like a component.
Esti drogul meu cel mai eficient.
You are my most effective drug.
Pacat ca eu sunt dependenta, tu independent.
Too bad I'm addicted and you're not.
Da' ce, tu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Da' ce, tu te gandesti macar un pic la mine.
But it's not like you're thinking even a little of me.
Si iti faci filme sa te simti mai bine.
And you're making scenarios just to feel better about yourself.
Ca nu adorm fara sa ma gandesc la tine.
Because I don't ever fall asleep without thinking about you.
Da' ce, tu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Si cand ma vezi ai doza aia de rusine.
And when you see me you have that dose of shame
Da' ce, tu te gandesti mai repede sa vina maine.
But it's not like you are hoping that tomorrow would come faster
Poate o vad si voi fi mult, mult, mult mai bine.
'Cause maybe I'll see her and I'll be much, much better
Da' ce, tu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Da ce tu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Ca nici nu stii ca toate visele mele-s despre tine.
You don't even know that all my dreams are about you
Si nu-mi convine, intr-un fel, sa ma gandesc la tine.
And in a way, I like to keep thinking of you
Ca parca uit ca doare si tot asa se face maine.
It's like I'm forgetting how much it hurts and just like that tomorrow comes
Imi imaginez ca ti le zic in fata cand ma apropii.
I'm imagining that I'm telling you all of this face to face, when I come close
De tine si iti ating fruntea si ochii.
To you and I touch your forehead and your eyes,
Si te simt ca-mi curgi prin vene.
And I can feel you flowing through my veins
Esti visul de care ma tin, esti visul care ma tine.
You're the dream I'm holding on to, you're the dream that's holding me
Esti visul de care ma tin.
You're the dream I'm holding on to
Ca tu nu suferi dupa mine.
But you are not suffering because of me
Nu te gandesti macar un pic la mine.
You're not thinking even a little of me
Nu iti faci filme sa te simti mai bine.
You're not making scenarios to feel better.
Ca tu adormi fara sa te gandesti la mine.
'Cause you can fall asleep without thinking of me
Da' ce, tu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Si cand ma vezi ai doza aia de rusine.
And when you see me you have that dose of shame
Da' ce, tu te gandesti mai repede sa vina maine.
But it's not like you are hoping that tomorrow would come faster
Poate o vad si voi fi mult, mult, mult mai bine.
'Cause maybe I'll see her and I'll be much, much better
Da' ce, tu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Da' ce, tu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Da' ce, tu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Ca tu nu suferi dupa mine.
But you are not suffering because of me
Stiu ca nu suferi dupa mine.
I know you don't suffer because of me
Da' ce, tu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Ca tu nu suferi dupa mine.
But you are not suffering because of me
Tu nu suferi dupa mine.
But you're not suffering because of me
Da' tu nu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Da' tu nu suferi dupa mine.
But it's not like you are suffering because of me
Ca tu nu suferi, nu te doare.
You're not suffering, you're not hurting
La tine-n casa e cald si-n geamul tau e soare
In your house it's warm and out your window it's sunny.